Wednesday, 24th April 2024

Articles by Maje Ayida

5 Oct 2017
With the many hurdles, pitfalls and barriers in life, we all fall down at some point, it’s part of the journey. But what truly makes a difference is our ability to get back up.
21 Sep 2017
Have you ever wondered if you’ll ever get in shape again? Setbacks happen, whether it’s an injury, crunch time at work, or a hectic time with your family. Whatever it was, you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon. This happens to just about everyone.
7 Sep 2017
To be fair, a lot of you are probably trying to stay active while on your summer break, but the truth is your body just can’t keep up with the sheer volume of calories being consumed in booze and all the wrong types of food.
31 Aug 2017
A few minutes of practice per day can help ease anxiety. “Research suggests that daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress,” says psychologist Robbie Maller Hartman, PhD, a Chicago health and wellness coach.
3 Aug 2017
The last two weeks have been somewhat of a workout nightmare for me. My schedule filled out quickly and I started to struggle to make my workouts.
27 Jul 2017
Something interesting happened over the weekend, or should I say I witnessed something interesting. While coaching a group of people, I noticed most had given in to the workout demands I made of them, they were on the floor with jaded looks on their faces.
6 Jul 2017
It’s very common to hear the phrase ‘I’m not feeling fine,’ from friends and work colleagues. It’s so frequent with some people that I wonder if they can tell the difference between being ill and just tired.
15 Jun 2017
Let’s face it, workouts can get boring and motivation can start to wane. If you are bored of your workouts then your body is probably bored of them too! Don’t think you are alone if you just can’t seem to muster up the motivation to work out today...
1 Jun 2017
Losing weight and being healthy is not just about hitting the gym or the odd healthy meal here and there, it’s about a complete lifestyle overhaul. This can happen by making regular healthy choices, even before you pick up a dumbbell.
18 May 2017
Learning to prioritize yourself and to claim time for your goals is critical for long term success in health and weight loss. Self-care is necessary for our physical and mental health, yet often it’s the first thing we drop when we find ourselves stretched for time.
4 May 2017
Your metabolism is the sum of everything your body does. Each time you eat, enzymes in your body’s cells break down the food and turn it into energy that keeps your heart beating...
13 Apr 2017
Indulge me for a moment by flexing your right arm. Assuming you have an average build, and trust messss, you do, your arm is packing about five pounds of muscle.