The Guardian is one of the most mature & objective media houses in Nigeria. But other media houses are not so objective. And 2015 exposed the media so much. This message is for the benefit of the public to witnessed the proganda of lies & wickedness perpetrated by the media in 2015:

“Noting that the fourth estate of the
realm has a big role to play in this crusade, he said he was also aware
“today that most media houses have an editorial policy and clear leaning
towards sectional and myopic perspectives. Tribal and nepotic leanings
are present in most issues debated or reported in our media.”

He said “The government-owned media
showcase the activities of the government with little or no critique in
contrast to the harsh realities faced by millions of subscribers of
these news media.

“Newspapers and media owned and operated by politicians are mostly
reflective of the interest of their principals as opposed to the need to
permanently side with the truth and Justice.