The Guardian

Lilian Onianwa

The intersectionality of sexuality in Nigeria

By Lilian Onianwa Many have argued that homosexuality in Nigeria is a Western import, a concept imposed through colonisation and Western influence. However, historical evidence and cultural narratives suggest otherwise. George Olusola
2 days ago

Winning Faith (2)

WE are encompassed with so great a cloud of witnesses. Whatever our conditions or circumstances in life, there have been men and women of faith who went through similar situations. These examples

IYL- Elucidating light (1)

We are now well into month-four of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s “International Year of Light” (IYL, 2015)—declared, to enhance our appreciation of light and light-based technologies.
9 years ago

Keep Walking

CHRISTIANS are pilgrims. Pilgrims never stop moving. It can be long, lonely journey. You need God. With Him on your side, you will arrive. Hints Learn from the mistakes of others. (I

Beautiful But Barren

WE are continuing on the prophetic. And it is time to break everything that has caused barrenness in your life. Barrenness is infertility, unfruitfulness and unproductiveness, while beauty is attractiveness, gorgeousness, well
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