Editorial - Page 91

The celebration of Christmas

TODAY is Christmas Day when Nigerians once again join the rest of the world in marking an outstanding date in the Christian calendar. Christmas is the centre of an annual holiday season
15 years ago

Ibrahim Tahir: A personal loss

THE death of Dr. Ibrahim Tahir, Talban Bauchi, fondly referred to as Baba Talba, in the family circles, on December 8, 2009, was a deeply personal loss to me in more ways
15 years ago

Christmas and the family

IT is here again, the season of joy. How nice to observe that age-long family custom of keeping vigil on Christmas Eve night. The joy of sitting round the tall, glittering and
15 years ago

Feeble response to a serious matter

THE Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Ogbonna Onovo is reported to have requested audience with his Camerounian counterpart at the latter's convenience - more or less - to discuss the killing and harassment
15 years ago

Tribute to Olusegun Oladipo

SHAKESPEARE it was that wrote: "When beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." This statement, made by Calphurnia, Caesar's wife, in Julius Caesar
15 years ago

Implications of a no accord at Copenhagen

THE two-week Copenhagen Climate Conference organised by the United Nations (UN) ended on Saturday, December 19, without adopting a legally binding accord. That was a big disappointment to a world that was
15 years ago

The Nigerian predicament

AT the December 11 Colloquium on Nigeria sponsored by Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and led by famed novelist, Chinua Achebe, the most provocative presentation was made by former U.S. Ambassador
15 years ago