Experts Lament Retrogressive Broadcasting Trend In Nigeria

EXPERTS within the media space recently criticised the continual deterioration of finesse among Nigerian broadcast professionals. They attributed that to the inability of the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) and by extension the Nigeria media to build strong institutions and control room over the years. 

  This was the position at a colloquium organised by the Centre for Values in Leadership, Victoria Island, Lagos, in honour of the duo of Pastor Shyngle Wigwe and Engineer Vincent Maduka in commemoration of their outstanding days as Director Generals of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA). 

  While reacting to the posers, representative of NTA Director General, Mr. Sola Omole, Mallam Ibrahim Damisa, lamented the challenges the premier broadcast station is facing, ranging from appointment of competent management, lack of qualified staff, no training college and generational change since the exit of the celebrants, who made the old NTA what it stood for.

  Damisa stated that “as a student at the training school, it was mandatory for a broadcast student to be in tune with pronunciations, names of Nigerians and our cities, but since our celebrants left, there has been a generational change.” 

  Prof. Onwuchekwa Jemie blamed the media for some of its challenges hinging that on the inability of media players to come together and speak with one voice. Citing competition as the greatest problem, Jemie stated that if there were a strong union among media practitioners, the rate at which media houses are losing money to advertisers would have been curtailed. 

  Participants at the colloquium unanimously lamented the state and attitude of the political class, saying they act unchecked as a result of the uncanny and lackluster disposition of the media who have abandoned their role as a watchdog of the society.

  They also expressed concerns on the viral nature of the social media, which lack gate keeping and control mechanism even though it has helped to quicken the spread information. They emphasised the need for regulation and collaboration among all segments of the media platforms.

