Thursday, 18th April 2024

Deadly weight loss shortcuts you should run from

These days most people are looking for a quick fix, because they find that the traditional methods of weight loss (healthy eating and exercise) are too demanding or too difficult or rigid to follow.

PHOTO: Blog Flicker

These days most people are looking for a quick fix, because they find that the traditional methods of weight loss (healthy eating and exercise) are too demanding or too difficult or rigid to follow. And of course, the media is not making it any easier with adverts: “Lose 15kg in 15 days!” “Eat what you want but still lose weight!” “Slimming pill for rapid weight loss!” The use of the words like, “guaranteed,” or “scientific breakthrough” or when products are marketed in a foreign language, or via mass e-mails, are all red flags you shouldn’t ignore in advertisements.

Truly, there is a huge market for over-the-counter weight loss and dietary supplements and many of these are dangerous for your overall health. I continue to preach my thoughts to whoever listens, anything that guarantees you results without work is a ‘no no.’

What I want you to take away from this article is, a better understanding. There is a multi-billion dollar industry that is capitalizing on your quest for instant gratification. The promises of pills are usually empty, and the dangers of addiction or other health problems may far outweigh any benefits for the users. Just because you see a supplement product on a store shelf does not mean it is safe. People who suffer from weight problems would like to believe that there is a simple, easy solution to their situation. A quick fix of some kind that will help them lose weight rapidly and without any effort.  Not only can they cause harmful side effects, but they can become both physically and emotionally addictive.

The pills work in different ways. Many are appetite suppressants with active ingredients like phenylpropanolamine or caffeine. Many of them are supposed to increase the rate of your metabolism and at the same time they should help in controlling the appetite. Others claim to block the body’s ability to absorb fat. These pills expand in the stomach to create a feeling of satiety. Last, but not least, some diet pills are based on the process of eliminating waste or fluid from the body. You may feel as though you’ve been drinking excessive amounts of coffee or energy drinks, depending upon the stimulant content and your personal sensitivity to stimulants. Like coffee and energy drinks, numerous diet pills can keep you up at night or lead to less restful sleep. Many include some form of diuretic or laxative.

Some other known side-effects of diet pills include: anxiety or nervousness, irritability, insomnia and a feeling of restlessness or hyperactivity, high blood pressure, tightness in the chest, heart palpitations, heart attack, stroke or congestive heart failure, digestive tract problems like vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation or other stomach pain, fever, dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, profuse sweating, hair loss, painful or irregular menstrual cycle and sex drive disturbances, urinary tract problems and a host of others.

Long term weight loss requires a change in your eating and exercise habits to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Taking a pill as a quick-fix method does not encourage you to gain a better understanding of how foods and exercise affect your weight. You are less likely to check food labels, record your food intake, and fit in your exercise if you think a pill is going to do the work for you. Taking pills forever is not sustainable and once you stop, you’ll be back to your poor habits and initial weight. If you want to lose weight, the best methods are regular exercise and a balanced low-calorie diet, rich in nutrients.

Our society is incredibly fast-paced, and instant gratification is the norm. However, never sacrifice your personal health and safety for the sake of looking better faster. Always ask your healthcare provider about any supplements, and consult a nutritionist or dietician to construct a healthy weight loss plan.

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