Jesus welfare ministry fetes widows, widowers, orphans, less privileged

The Founder/Prophetess Edith Ukasanya distributing food at the event

Jesus Welfare Ministry, Lagos, recently held a crusade in Akowonjo area of Lagos with theme: “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness,” and also fed widows, widowers, orphans, and the less privileged in the area.

According to the Founder, Prophetess Edith Ukasanya, the event has been on for the past 25 years. In an interview with The Guardian, Ukasanya described the outreach as food for humanity missions, stressing that her mission also do food crusade just like Jesus Christ did in the Bible after teaching the people of God’s word.

Explaining the importance of the theme, “Celebrating God’s faithfulness” she noted that God has no lack. The Prophetess said: “You know with God there is no lack. People say rice is sold for N65,000, but we believed God, cooked and served every body that came to the programme. We even prepared Zobo drink and people were so happy. We share clothes, including jeans trousers and uncooked food items such as rice, garri, potatoes among others. We also hired a Christian DJ who supplied Christian music. In fact, it was fun as people from different places came and danced to the glory of God and forgot their sorrow because we know the times are hard for many Nigerians.

“The aim of the programme was to create an atmosphere for people to come together, rejoice and be glad, especially at this time that people are complaining of scarcity of cash and all that. We are also using the avenue to tell Nigerians to trust God, cast their burdens on Him and believe that tomorrow will be better. God commanded us to do good to all men and you can only do that with what you have. It is a passion for me.

“We are also celebrating God’s faithfulness for seeing us through 2023 because it was more serious than the COVID-19 year. In COVID-19 year, we had food to eat, subsidy was still there, people could still give out, people still had their jobs, but since the removal of subsidy it has really been difficult for so many people. Many things are not just right. People who are supposed to travel never made it, because they cannot afford the fares and other logistics around it. The god news, however, is that God is faithful and cares for us.”

Ukasanya disclosed that she has been holding the event four times in a year until the Lord spoke to her to make it a monthly she has never looked back.
