Kanu files committal application against SSS DG

Barr Aloy Ejimakor, counsel to IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu
Barr Aloy Ejimakor, counsel to IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu

Aloy Ejimakor, the lead counsel to the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has filed a committal application at the Federal High Court, Abuja against the Director General of the State Security Services (SSS) Yusuf Bichi.

The committal application, known as Form 48 is a notice of the consequences of disobedience to the order of court. The court had ordered the SSS to allow the defence team to visit Kanu three times a week and also permit five of his lawyers to make such visits.

Justice Binta Murtala-Nyako had on May 20, 2024, while refusing Kanu’s application to restore his bail, made the order, modifying the conditions of his lawyers’ visitations.

This modified order, according to the court, was aimed at expanding the opportunity for the defence team to adequately prepare him for trial in a way that would ensure that he gets a fair trial.

In addition, the court ordered that Kanu be permitted by the SSS to consult with his lawyers and that such consultation should be done in a “clean room” at the SSS facility, where he is being detained.

The order which was sequel to the charge marked FHC/ABJ/CR/383/2015 between the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Complainant/Respondent) and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (Defendant/Applicant), was made available to The Guardian at the weekend.

But Ejimakor alleged that these orders were being breached by the SSS and so filed the Form 48. It reads: “Take notice that unless you obey the directions contained in this order, you will be guilty of contempt of court and will be liable to be committed to prison.”


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