National Orientation Agency honours airport cleaner who returned N12 million


THE Director General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Mr. Mike Omeri, yesterday presented Ms. Josephine Ugwu, the airport cleaner who returned N12 million found at the Lagos Airport toilet with a “Citizens Responsibility Recognition” award for her display of honesty.

Ugwu is a cleaner with for a concessionaire at the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Patovilki Industrial Cleaning.

The NOA director said government was honouring her for doing the right thing; a conduct he said is in line with the new slogan of the agency.

He said the airport cleaner has redeemed the image of the country, which has been tainted by the conduct of a few Nigerians.

Omeri said the agency would not relent in rewarding Nigerians that have exhibited such honest conduct in the discharge of their duties.

He urged airport staff to continue to display such exemplary conduct which is the traditional way of life of Nigerians, adding that the airport cleaner has joined the league of other honest Nigerians including Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola of Lagos State, who was rewarded for apprehending a traffic offender.

The director said other Nigerians including a cab operator in Abuja, who have returned money in the past, have been rewarded with the citizen’s responsibility recognition ward.

His words: “The Federal Government through the National Orientation Agency decided to honour the airport cleaner as a way of rewarding honesty and transparency.

This recognition is in line with our slogan to Nigerians to do the right thing. Showing good example is part of the good values that Nigerians should emulate. Three years ago we gave similar recognition of honour to other Nigerians that have exhibited good conduct of honesty.

“This is good for our country to always show such conduct that our country deserves.”

“I want to commend airport workers for their good conduct which is important because people all over the world travel through the airport. I want to urge the airport staff to remain honest, which is part of what we are as a people.”

NOA boss said the conduct of the airport cleaner has opened fresh vistas for the company where she workers, which has a good reputation, with the attendant capacity to attract investment.

He said: “This is a good development, if this happens in other countries, it shows the company where she is working has good reputation, which could attract more investors and even open opportunities for advertisements. Therefore I urge Nigerians to invest in this company.”

In his remarks, the regional manager, South West Airports, FAAN, Mr. Remi Aromiwura said the airport authority is excited over the conduct of the cleaner, which is enough evidence that the environment is safe for passengers and users of its facilities.

He urged other airport workers to emulate the conduct of the cleaner, which has brought honour to the airport.”



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