I have thought that Wike is a reasonable person
occasioned by the fact that he is a lawyer but it seems that he is cog in the state House.
People who are agitating for a different country are suffocated by the entity or geographical expression called Nigeria. Intrinsically, a vast land as Nigeria seems advantageous because it would provide a wide market for businesses. But as operated since independence, Nigeria is a vast wasteland. Nigeria has not made any significant contribution to society since independence. Why?
The system whereby a few people sit around and make decisions for people that they don’t care about, know nothing about, and expressly have hated over the years.
The call or agitations for separation is stemmed from this stifling operations of the Nigerian entity because it seems like the few who have benefited
immensely from the political dysfunction continue to have a stranglehold on the country and continue to perpetuate the hatred of others, which over the years have resulted in mass murders to the level of genocide.
To worsen things the organs of government mandated to act without fear or favor such as the courts and security agencies have been active and sometimes passive players in these murders.
In light of all these, should a people who feel cheated, stuffed, and often times outrightly robbed remain and be happy to remain in such an association called Nigeria?
Mr. Wike you don not speak for the Niger Delta and I believe you do not speak for the majority of Rivers state people.
An association such as Nigeria can only thrive through constant negotiations and renegonatiations to reflect reality. And the reality, is that the one size fits all ideology is sinking the country and anyone who aspires to quit the association before being drowned by the weight of dysfunction has a natural right to determine their fate, which by the way does not derive from the entity called Nigeria or the laws thereof.