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Islamic cleric allegedly stones boy to death for rituals in Lagos

By Odita Sunday
16 March 2017   |   3:28 am
Shock, followed by pandemonium and palpable fear, enveloped residents of White Sand area of Isheri-Oshun in Ejigbo area of Lagos State, following the murder of a three-year-old child, Chiagozie Okereke, by a Muslim cleric.......
The suspect, Alimson with the stone he used to kill the child

• Police prevent suspect from being lynched
• All I need is justice, says victim’s mother

Shock, followed by pandemonium and palpable fear, enveloped residents of White Sand area of Isheri-Oshun in Ejigbo area of Lagos State, following the murder of a three-year-old child, Chiagozie Okereke, by a Muslim cleric, Kazeem Alimson, popularly known as Alfa.

The incident, which was described by security operatives and neighbours in the area as ‘the most bizarre occurrence in the neighbourhood’ has sent shivers down the spines of residents.

One 15-year-old boy, Simon Kanu, confessed to have been paid N500 by the said Alfa in order to lure the baby, adding that the baby was killed with a heavy stone in his presence.

Explaining how the deceased, Chiagozie Okereke, got missing, his distraught mother, Mrs. Chinasa Okereke, said: “Around 7:00p.m. yesterday (Tuesday), I brought my children out to bathe him.

“When I finished bathing the younger one, I went inside to get the wrapper to strap him in order to enable me bathe the other child. But on getting outside, I didn’t see my baby again. The sister said he went into my neighbour’s house but I didn’t see him there and when I asked, they said he went out with Simon.

“I called my son’s name but there was no response. Later, we saw Simon that night, I asked him about the whereabouts of my son, he said he did not see him. Simon took my son, strangled him with his shirt and stoned him to death. He is my third child. I feel hurt. My heart is broken. I need justice.”

The Isheri Osun Divisional Police Officer (DPO), Emeodi Camilus, a Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP), who got a tip-off, rushed to the scene and arrested the two suspects.

During interrogation, Simon confessed that he was given N500 to lure the missing child to where the Alfa was waiting for him. He disclosed that the Alfa took him and the child to an uncompleted building where the boy was murdered with a heavy stone.

According to the primary six pupil, “I went to site and I saw how he killed Chigozie. He tied him up and was making incantation before hitting him with a stone three times. He said he would kill me if I told anybody. He also showed me his juju knife and that he would use it to kill me if I told anyone.”

However, on his part, the cleric denied the allegation, claiming that he is not a ritualist but a cult member.He said: “I was in my house sleeping when I heard people shouting. When I came out, I saw some policemen and when I asked, I was told that they saw a dead child. I went back inside, and 30 minutes later, the police came back and arrested me. I don’t know the boy and I have never spoken to him.”

At this point, the teenager interjected and said, “You are lying. He was giving me sign with his eyes not to talk. I saw you when you were using the stone to hit him until he died.”

When The Guardian visited the scene, hundreds of residents besieged Akogun Street, giving different versions of what happened. But for the police intervention, the angry residents would have summarily executed the Alfa in another incidence of jungle justice.

At the scene was the Divisional Police Officer of Isheri Oshun, who was on ground to pacify the crowd from taking laws into their own hands.He told The Guardian: “When the police became involved, I directed that all the persons involved be arrested, including the boy. It was after he was picked up that he confessed.

“He led us to the Alfa and we arrested him. We searched his house and the environs. We found the boy dead in the uncompleted building. He said they tied his hand and leg with red clothes and while muttering incantations, stoned the deceased three times before he died.”

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  • Author’s gravatar

    what is wrong with these muslim savages

    • Author’s gravatar

      Did you notice the savage was assisted by a person named “Simon Kanu” who brought the bot to him? Condemn the criminals and leave religion out of it.

      • Author’s gravatar

        Yeah Islam’s definitely not a religion.

      • Author’s gravatar

        Why are so many rapists murderers and child abusers attracted to what you call a”religion”? The “savage” is an islamic cleric or imam. What is it with islam that attracts this human garbage?

        • Author’s gravatar

          Islam is the only religion that allows you to wallow in absolute depravity and act out your lowest impulses while still being loved by God. Muslims get to have their cake and eat it too: they can commit the most obscene and violent crimes, while enjoying the feeling of holiness and community approval that is one of the main attractions of real religions.

      • Author’s gravatar

        precisely, there is a tremendous anti Muslim hysteria sweeping the media– any outrage committed by any Muslim even against other innocent Muslims is given headlines and it matters not if the perpetrator is a outstanding nut case like this one.

        • Author’s gravatar

          Funny how the number of nut cases is so very much higher in Islam than in any other religion. Starting with its founder, a thief and rapist who owned slaves and committed mass murder, and is, not coincidentally, regarded as “the perfect man” whom all male muslims are required to emulate as closely as possible.

          And people wonder why muslims in European countries are 300-500% (google it yourself, I’m not doing your homework for you) more likely to commit violent crimes than native Europeans.

          • Author’s gravatar

            The reason why there are more nut cases in Islam is because more of its adherents are completely lacking in education– more than any other major religion. My point is not to defend Islam but to call attention to the fact that we are being whipped up into an anti-Islam frenzy. Why is Europe being invaded by Muslim immigrants? Because it suits a purpose, that purpose being to force conflict between low class Muslims and middle class Europeans. The resulting antipathy will facilitate the next step which is undoubtedly more invasions with lots of bombings and missiles laying waste to Muslim territories especially those with oil below and those that dare object to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

        • Author’s gravatar

          So muslim on muslim violence is nothing to get upset about? Should the deaths of innocent muslims at the hand of islam be ignored? There is an ant-islam groundswell quickly becoming a tsunami that islam well deserves. The best way to protect muslims is to take their islam away from them.

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            That is called “foreign entanglements” and they have not worked out very well so far, have they? Moreover when there are no economic or political interests the UN could not care less. They sat idly whilst the Hutus slaughtered Tutsis. I would say just leave Muslims alone in their dreadful ignorance but the elites cannot do that. They have to effect “regime change” to supposedly eliminate tyrants and restore democracy but this tremendous hypocrisy merely covers for economic interests– or land grabbing for the Greater Israel Project.

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      TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted). 

      DateCountryCityKilledInjuredDescription2017.03.15NigeriaMaiduguri216Four female suicide bombers kill two people in a residential area.2017.03.15SyriaDamascus31102Thirty-one innocents at a courthouse are reduced to bloody pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.2017.03.14IraqHawija90Children are among nine Iraqis burned alive for trying to flee the caliphate.2017.03.13SomaliaMogadishu1314A Shahid suicide bomber detonates in front of a hotel, claiming thirteen innocents.2017.03.13AfghanistanKabul119A woman loses her life when Taliban bombers target a bus carrying telecom workers.2017.03.13BangladeshDinajpur20A Sufi leader and his teen daughter are hacked to death by Sunni fundamentalists.2017.03.11AfghanistanNawshar80A religious extremist poisons, then shoots eight local cops.2017.03.11NigeriaMkgovur103Fulani terrorists raid a village, hacking and shooting innocent people.2017.03.11SyriaDamascus74120A suicide bombing is one of two blasts targeting and killing over seventy Shiites.2017.03.10IraqWadi Hajar1843ISIS unleashes a vicious rocket bombardment on a residential neighborhood, taking out over eighteen civilians.2017.03.09IraqTajiyat13A civilian is disassembled by Jihadi bombers.2017.03.09ThailandMuang10A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.2017.03.08AfghanistanKabul5063Following a suicide blast, fifty people at a hospital are massacred by Islamic gunmen disguised as doctors.2017.03.08KenyaLamu15Islamists kill a Kenyan border guard with an IED.2017.03.08IraqHajjaj3026Dozens of people at a wedding party are shredded by two suicide bombers.2017.03.08PakistanBaba Kot10A Hindu woman is hacked to death with an axe.2017.03.08Egyptal-Arish24A fundamentalist bomb blast at a checkpoint claims the life of twopolicemen.2017.03.07Saudia ArabiaQatif10A security officer is killed by sectarian extremists.2017.03.07IndiaMadhya Pradesh010ISIS members set off a bomb at a train station.2017.03.07SyriaDeir Ezzor140At least fourteen Syrians are killed during an ISIS attack on a cemetery.2017.03.07AfghanistanKabul10A magnetic bomb placed on a civilian car kills one.2017.03.06IraqYarmouk500A mass grave containing fifty victims of ISIS execution is discovered.2017.03.06IraqMosul429Four civilians choke to death during an ISIS gas attack.2017.03.06IraqKirkuk80Eight civilians are executed for helping families flee the caliphate.2017.03.06AfghanistanAchin45Islamic supremacists massacre four local cops.2017.03.06IndiaRoorkee10A 23-year-old woman is strangled by her own mother and sisters on suspicion of sexual activity.2017.03.05IraqDaquq200The bodies of twenty Kurdish victims of the Islamic State are found in a mass grave.2017.03.05PakistanMohmand50Tehreek-e-Taliban members attack several checkpoints, killing five security members.2017.03.05AfghanistanKunduz60Six Afghan security personnel are machine-gunned by Sunni hardliners.2017.03.05SyriaAleppo1532At least fifteen people are killed by two suicide bombers.2017.03.05MaliBoulekessi115Jihadists ambush a local security convoy and massacre fifteen soldiers.2017.03.05YemenSinjibar60al-Qaeda members open fire along a city street, taking down six people.2017.03.05NigerWanzarbe40Jihadists murder four police officer.2017.03.05PakistanKohat20Two men are honor killed by their respective in-laws for ‘bringing shame’ to the family.2017.03.05IraqMosul430Forty-three people are executed for violating rules in the Islamic State.2017.03.04IraqBaghdad60Fundamentalists gun down six at a brothel, including four women.2017.03.04AfghanistanFaryab11One local cop is killed by Taliban bombers.2017.03.04PakistanShabqadar10Sharia activists assassinate a secular lawyer.2017.03.04SyriaSafsafia32Three children are disassembled by a Jabhat al-Nusra rocket.2017.03.03AfghanistanAchin20Two men are beheaded by the Islamic State.2017.03.03ThailandMuang10A local man is shot to death in front of his house by suspected Muslim ‘insurgents.’2017.03.03PakistanTalib Chandio10A 21-year-old mother is honor killed over suspected ‘illicit relations’.2017.03.03IndiaMuran16A civilian is killed when Islamic extremists toss a grenade into the street.2017.03.03NigeriaMaiduguri20Two girls, used by a suicide bomber for cover, are blown apart in the blast.2017.03.03Burkina FasoKourfayl20Two people are killed when Ansar Islam members fire into a school for not teaching the Quran.2017.03.02IraqAnbar20Two civilians are shot to death by ISIS.2017.03.02ThailandRueso42Two women and an 8-year-old are among four Buddhists killed when Muslim ‘insurgents’ fire into a family vehicle.2017.03.02SomaliaMahaday32Three security personnel on patrol are killed by al-Shabaab bombers.2017.03.02SyriaDamascus10A refugee is forced to his knees and shot in front of a crowd by the Islamic State.2017.03.01NigeriaMbahimin30Fulani terrorists butcher and pull the eyes out of three Christians.2017.03.01IraqBaghdad26Two marketplace bombings produce two dead civilians.2017.03.01Saudi ArabiaRiyadh20Police beat two cross-dressers to death with sticks.2017.03.01AfghanistanKabul22120Two suicide attacks leave twenty-two Afghans in pieces.2017.02.28IraqShuhada14Jihadis bomb a soccer field, killing one of the onlookers.2017.02.28IraqTayaran310Thirty-one people from three familes are destroyed by a barrage of ISIS mortars.2017.02.28IraqMosul10A 60-year-old woman is taken out by an ISIS IED.2017.02.28AfghanistanLashkar Gah120A dozen police officers are assassinated at their checkpoint by Taliban armed with silenced weapons.2017.02.28PakistanPeshawar11A border guard is cut down by the Taliban.2017.02.28SomaliaMogadishu10al-Shabaab militants assassinate a local official by planting a bomb under his car.2017.02.27IraqBaghdad34A husband and wife are among three Iraqis wiped out by Mujahid bombers.2017.02.27EgyptRafah10A youth is burned alive after having his eyes gouged out by Islamic fundamentalists.2017.02.27SomaliaBuq-Aqable20Two men are brutally executed for ‘waging war on Allah’.2017.02.26IraqKhalaf20Jihadi bombers pick off a mother and daughter trying to flee the caliphate.2017.02.26ThailandNong Chik10Suspected Muslim terrorists shoot a civilian on his way home.2017.02.26PhilippinesSulu10A 70-year-old German hostage is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.2017.02.26SyriaDamascus117A woman bleeds to death after being opened up by Sunni shrapnel.2017.02.26IraqSahaji1238At least a dozen civilians are felled by ISIS landmines as they try to flee the caliphate.2017.02.26PakistanDera Ismail Khan30Three Shiites are gunned down by sectarian extremists.2017.02.25IraqMazraa40A family of four is exterminated by an Islamic State member.2017.02.25IraqBaiji10A civilian is blown up after a suicide bomber runs up and hugs him.2017.02.25SyriaHoms4224Two Religion of Peace suicide blasts leave at least forty-two mangled and charred corpses.2017.02.25AfghanistanFaryab116A Taliban bomb blast at a market leaves one dead.2017.02.25AfghanistanZawzjan110A woman and ten police officers are machine-gunned outside a mosque by Sharia hardliners.2017.02.25IraqBani Saad20Two brothers are shot to death by terrorists.2017.02.25IraqMosul11An ISIS IED takes out a female journalist.2017.02.24IraqKhalis49Suicide bombers take out four civilians.2017.02.24Syriaal-Bab80A planted car bomb kills eight.2017.02.24AfghanistanGirishk23A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out two Afghans.2017.02.24IraqTrebil150Fifteen border guards are massacred by an Islamic State suicide bomber.2017.02.24SyriaSousian6042At least sixty people are blown apart by a Shahid suicide bomber as they are lining up for housing permits.2017.02.23IraqBaghdad15Jihadis bomb a fish market, killing one patron.2017.02.23CameroonWouro Dole12At least one other person is killed by an 11-year-old suicide bomber.2017.02.23IndiaHajin42A woman is among four killed by Islamic gunfire.2017.02.23NigerInterzawane1519Islamic extremists ambush and kill fifteen local soldiers.2017.02.23IraqMosul43Four people lose their lives when ISIS launches a mortar round into an airport.2017.02.23Egyptal-Arish10Jihadists murder a Coptic man and set his home on fire.2017.02.23MalaysiaKuantan10A transgender florist is hacked to death by religious conservatives.2017.02.22NigeriaGajiram70At least seven members of a security patrol are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.2017.02.22Iraqal-Root25Two women are reduced to pulp by caliphate bombers.2017.02.22PakistanPandyali11Islamists plant a bomb outside a man’s home which kills him and leaves his wife gravely injured.2017.02.22IraqMosul50Five civilians are killed by the effects of explosives dropped from ISIS drones.2017.02.22Egyptal-Arish20A Christian man is shot to death and his son burned alive by Islam proponents.2017.02.22AfghanistanJanikhel319A woman is among three civilians killed when the Taliban bomb a market.2017.02.22AfghanistanAlasay40A Taliban rocket wipes out four people in their own home.2017.02.21IraqMosul10A captive is beheaded by the Islamic State.2017.02.21PakistanCharsadda721Fedayeen suicide bombers storm a sessions court, killing at least seven.2017.02.21PhilippinesBaguan Island17Abu Sayyaf pirates attack a commercial ship, killing one crew member and abducting seven more.2017.02.21IraqBaghdad712Seven people are aerated by Mujahideen shrapnel in a shopping district.2017.02.21IraqKarbala20Two Shiites are beheaded by a Sunni extremist group.2017.02.20IraqMosul25A child is among two killed when ISIS operatives drop a grenade from a drone.2017.02.20IraqAbu Ghraib14A person standing in a market is thoroughly eliminated by a Jihadi nail-packed bomb.2017.02.20NigeriaAshim140Muslim militants murder fourteen civilians.2017.02.19AfghanistanLaghman113Eleven members of a family are cut down when suspected Taliban throw a grenade into their home.2017.02.19IraqMahmoudiyah24Jihadis plant a bomb at a livestock market, killing two participants.2017.02.19NigeriaBakin Kogi70Seven villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.2017.02.19SomaliaMogadishu3450A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates himself at a packed market, taking over thirty souls with him.2017.02.19IraqIraq30An ISIS landmine snuffs out the lives of three children.2017.02.19NigeriaYaza-Kumaza39Boko Haram attack a village and murder three residents.2017.02.19SomaliaTihsile20Two local soldiers die during an al-Shabaab attack on a town.2017.02.19IraqMosul312Two suicide bomber rack up three Iraqis.2017.02.18IraqMosul521An Islamic State rocket fired into a school kills three students and two teachers.2017.02.18AfghanistanPaktika124Eight children are blown to bits along with four others when the Taliban detonate a bomb under their vehicle.2017.02.18SomaliaEl Wak23An Islamist attack leaves two others dead.2017.02.18IraqHayy al-Intsar310Three women are pulled into disparate pieces by ISIS shrapnel.2017.02.18IraqJazair49Islamic State members hit a neighborhood with rockets, killing four civilians.2017.02.17PakistanBalakot10A woman is stabbed to death for marrying by choice.2017.02.17IraqMosul412ISIS members send a rocket into a market, killing four patrons.2017.02.17EgyptHasna34Islamic State advocates ambush and kill three security personnel.2017.02.17ThailandYaring10Muslim ‘insurgents’ are suspected of gunning down a village official.2017.02.17AfghanistanKunar51Five security personnel die in a hail of Taliban bullets.2017.02.16IraqBaghdad5966A devastating car bomb attack claims sixty lives near a row of car dealerships.2017.02.16SomaliaMogadishu35Two children are among three who bleed to death from the effects of an al-Shabaab mortar.2017.02.16PakistanKharmato20A pair of young lovers is quickly honor killed after being discovered by the girl’s conservative father.2017.02.16IraqBaghdad830A series of Mujahideen attacks leaves eight dead.2017.02.16PakistanDera Ismail Khan41Terrorists machine-gun four local cops.2017.02.16AfghanistanDeh Bala180A surprise ISIS attack on a remote border post claims eighteen.2017.02.16IraqMosul22Two girls are disassembled in their own school by an Islamic State rocket.2017.02.16Egyptal-Arish10A Coptic teacher is gunned down by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis on his way to school.2017.02.16PakistanSehwan88250A massive suicide blast at a Sufi shrine leaves over eighty worshippers in pieces, including thirty children.2017.02.15IraqHawija80Eight Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.2017.02.15IraqMosul34Three grocers die at the hands of ISIS bombers.2017.02.15IraqBaghdad26Two people standing outside a market are vaporized by Sunni shrapnel.2017.02.15PakistanMuzaffarabad02A Shiite cleric and his wife are shot by Sunni extremists.2017.02.15IraqMosul130Thirteen citizens are slowly drowned by caliphate members.2017.02.15PakistanHyatabad218A suicide bomber targeting judges takes out their driver and a passerby.2017.02.15PakistanGhalanai53Five people are laid out by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.2017.02.15AfghanistanShirin Tagab50Five guards are killed when the Taliban attack a small village.2017.02.15IraqSadr City1850A suicide bomber targeting “a gathering of Shias” massacres at least eighteen.2017.02.14ChinaPishan55Muslim separatists stab ten people in a melee attack.2017.02.14YemenRadaa38A child is among three killed when a Shahid suicide bomber detonates outside a Shia school.2017.02.14IraqBaghdad310Jihadi car bombers pick off three passersby in an industrial area.2017.02.14IndiaBandipora48Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen open fire on a security patrol, killing four members.For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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    • Author’s gravatar

      They decended from Abraham,

  • Author’s gravatar

    There are no words.

  • Author’s gravatar

    Does anyone still think Muslims, mainly a-rabs, are human? They must be a separate species from who knows where.

  • Author’s gravatar

    Has got to be that damn inbreeding.

    • Author’s gravatar

      Fact: Due to their custom of first cousin marriage, British pakistanis suffer 10 times the incidence of genetic and neurological birth defects as is found in the general population.

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  • Author’s gravatar

    what a great shame………….if every Mooselimp were to do this to their kids…………what a boon to the world it’ll be…….

  • Author’s gravatar

    Anyone that thinks that peace is a Muslim creed really should read the Koran:
    Quran 2:216 Fighting is obligatory for you as much as you dislike it, but you may hate a thing although it is good for you, and like a thing although it is bad for you.
    Quran 4:74 Fight for the cause of Allah, whoever fights for the cause of Allah whether he dies or triumphs on him we shall bestow a rich recompense.
    Quran 4:89 They wish that you reject Islam as they have rejected Islam, so that you all become equal with one another. So take no friendship from them till they emigrate in the way of Allah. But if they turn back from Islam take them and kill them where ever you find them, and take neither friendship nor help from them.
    Quran 5:31 Believers take neither Jews nor Christians as your friends.
    Quran 5:38 As for the thief male and female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent (punishment) from Allah.
    Quran 5:56 Believers do not seek the friendship of infidels and those that were given the book before you.(The Bible)
    Quran 8:12 Allah has revealed his will to the angels saying I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels, strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. That was because they defied Allah and his apostle. He that defies Allah and his apostle shall be sternly punished.
    Quran 9:23 Believers do not befriend your fathers or your brothers if they choose unbelief in preference to faith.
    Quran 9:73 Prophet make war on the infidels and deal rigorously with them.
    Quran 9:123 Believers make war on the infidels who dwell around you, and deal firmly with them.
    Quran 47:4 When you meet the infidels in the battlefield strike off their heads.
    Quran 33:61 Cursed where ever they are found, the infidels will be seized and put to death. Such has been the way of Allah with those who have gone before them. And you shall find no change in the ways of Allah.

    • Author’s gravatar

      The fun part that apologists for Islam never tell you is that (1) muslims are required to take every word of the Koran literally at all times and under all conditions; refusing or rejecting any part of the Koran is regarded as apostasy and carries the death penalty, and (2) the violent Medina verses in the Koran nullify the peaceful Mecca verses by a principle of islamic law called “abrogation.”

      There is no such thing as “moderate” Islam. The only difference between peaceful muslims and jihadi terrorists is the degree to which they are faithful to the Koran, Hadith, and Sunnah. Currently, ISIS practices the purest and most genuine form of Islam on earth.

      • Author’s gravatar

        ISIS was created and directed by the USA, UK and Israel as attack dogs, so please tell us about pure and genuine Islam. Of course their pet canines tend to break their leashes on occasion but that is karma….

    • Author’s gravatar

      Please include some choice quotes from the Talmud

  • Author’s gravatar

    The story isn’t true,,, and moreover dis guy isn’t Alfa,, na Omo onile of isheri osun, his nt d one dat killed d boy, that small boy lied against him

  • Author’s gravatar

    All what guardian said about the man is full of lies…. I’m sure he will come out of dis by God grace, never this story

  • Author’s gravatar

    They called him Alfa cus of d cloth he was putting on

  • Author’s gravatar

    i’ll bet the 15 y/o boy did it alone and blamed the convenient scapegoat cleric who said he was sleeping.
    but i wasn’t there and neither were any of yalls so i will reserve judgement. as should yalls.

  • Author’s gravatar

    all yalls.
    good timing! see ya.