Good observations but your remedy won’t work. We are not supposed to reinvent the wheel in Nigeria. More than 90% of all roads in Nigeria and elsewhere belong to the local authority, while Trunk A roads, which connect big cities and regions are not so many (less than 10%). If all local authorities plan and keep the roads under their care in good condition, you can travel the length and breadth of Nigeria without getting on a single trunk road. The confusion comes from Abuja wanting to control everything, and the state governments treating the local authorities like their subordinates; this is anathema. The council chairperson gets his/her legitimacy directly from the people and he is not an appointee of anybody (read governor or president). S/he is only accountable to the local people and if he cannot keep the roads in good condition, will be voted out in short order. This is why we cannot go forward as a progressive country until we restructure. We will only continue to outline all the symptoms without treating the underlying disease – an unsustainable structure.