Republic Of Turkey Opens Office In Lagos


turkeyREPUBLIC of Turkey has opened a new honorary consular office in Lagos, to promote business between the two countries, especially for business travelers.

At the Inauguration of the office, Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Hakan Cakil said government of Turkey consider Nigeria as a strategic partner in terms of business tractions. He said Nigeria is their number one trading partner in Sub-Sahara Africa.

“I have positive agenda for opening an office in Lagos, it would serve as economic improvement strategy between Nigeria and Turkey. This office would be a target for us to exchange values and build adequate business partnership between Nigeria and Turkey in more years to come.”

Continuing, he said: “Development of economic relations is one of the most important topics in my agenda as Turkish ambassador to Nigeria. I will ensure both Nigerian and Turkish citizens would do business in both countries successfully. I would support Nigerians to invest businesses in Turkey without any problems, at the same time bring Turkish businessmen to invest in Nigeria. The number of Nigerians who visit Turkey for business is increasing substantially every year and this has contributed to the development of our economy.”

Cakil asked Nigerians, who are in the United State of America, Changan and Britain to obtain Turkish visa online, instead of traveling back to Turkish embassy in Abuja to get visa.

“Online visa would save time and money. We have large number of Nigerians, who have gotten visas from United States of America, Changan and Britain. These Nigerians can visit Turkey from these countries, with their passports so, they can get visa online. I would endeavor to increase the number of Turkish citizens, who come to transact business in Nigeria. These would make both countries to know each other better.”

