Traditional ruler denies link to violence in Igbokoda

Oba Akinruntan
Oba Akinruntan

The Olugbo of Ugbo, Oba Frederick Akinruntan has debunked the allegation by the Oodua Nationalist Coalition (ONAC) for allegedly being the brain behind the killings and violence in Igbokoda, headquarters of Ilaje Local Government Area of Ondo State.

A statement yesterday by the Olugbo-in-Council, distanced the traditional ruler from any violence in Igbokoda saying Oba Akinruntan reigns and rule over Ugbo land where he has a befitting palace and has nothing to do with Igbokoda crisis

ONAC through its Director of Public Affairs, Dr Akinwunmi Oriola had accused the traditional ruler of having a hand in the violence in Igbokoda, which the Ugbo traditional council described as total false.

According to the statement signed by High Chiefs Isaiah Adewole Demehin and Adeboye Omoderu, Asogbon and Oliha of Ugbo, “We the Olugbo-in-council wish to state that, our king has nothing to do with Igbokoda. He reigns and rule over Ugbo land. As a matter of fact, he has a befitting palace in Ode-Ugbo from where he presides over the affairs of his kingdom and his people.

“Apart from been a king, our Oba is an assiduous businessman who we all know has no political affiliate with any political party, and hence is not a card carrying member of any party. The Presidency can check this out as all political parties has records of their party members. This was why prior to the last general elections; he issued a widely publicised press statement that traditional rulers should not be partisan.

“We state categorically here that there was no electoral violence in Ugboland before, during and after the last elections. If there were any in Igbokoda, our King has no knowledge and business with that”

The Ugbo traditional council called on ONAC, as a body to get their facts right before going to press to make “frivolous, baseless and liable statements against our referred monarch”, adding that should not allow themselves to be a tool of mischief to destabilise the peace in Ondo state in general.

“There is a clear cut difference between the Olugbo of Ugboland, a first class traditional ruler and the Olu of Igbokoda a grade D Oba. And we will like to state without apology that if the Olu of Igbokoda has a problem with the fact that our king helps his people; there is nothing anyone including himself can do about that, as Oba Akinruntan is a man with a large heart recognizing his fatherly role and will not hesitate to play such when he is called upon to do so regardless of where the person comes from.

“It should be stated here that we the Olugbo in council, see the said publication as a direct confrontation meant to twist and distort the truth on ground. We wish to state that we hold our king in a very high esteem and as such will not tolerate any attempt by any element to drag his name into any issue he is not connected with.

“ONAC and other socio political groups in the state should be wary of being used as propaganda tool. They should verify their facts before going to press. We also urge the Presidency to do a thorough investigation on the issues raised in the publication”, the council said.

