U.S. lawmakers visit Cuba to normalise ties

AN American Congressional delegation has arrived in Havana in the first such visit since the United States and Cuba agreed to restore ties severed in 1961.

The Democrat politicians plan to meet Cuban officials and civilian leaders to discuss practical measures required for the normalisation of relations.

The thaw in relations was announced on 17 December by President Barack Obama and his Cuban counterpart, Raul Castro.

Earlier this week, Cuba completed the release of 53 political prisoners.

The measure was agreed as part of the agreement.

“We have all been to Cuba before, and we strongly support the president’s new direction for our policy towards Cuba,” said Senator Patrick Leahy.

New travel and trade rules between the U.S. and Cuba came into effect on Friday, also as part of the historic deal.

Americans will be able to take home up alcohol and tobacco from Cuba up to the value of $100.

