Why Muslims should embrace Qur’an wholeheartedly

THE 29th Qur’anic Recitation Competition held recently at Auchi, aMuslim growing cosmopolitan town in Edo State attracted great personalities and distinguished royal fathers across the country including the Emir of Kano, H.R.H Dr. (Alh) Muhammad Sanusi II in addition to 251 contestants that participated in the contest. 

  Princehood is an aspect that sustains truth as embellished in the Holy Qur’an doctrine and adhering to it, not only create peace for the believer but also sustains a practitioner’s sojourn here and hereafter.

    The physical appearance of Emir of Kano on the shores of Auchi Kingdom set this writer on a specific search at close quarters to really find out the enigmatic characteristics of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi during the ceremony: protocol wasn’t on my side, but his remarks at the closing ceremony, publicly revealed that the occupant of the Kano Royal Palace is a thorough bred of his ancestors.

  Quoting fluently from the Holy Qur’an and then unfolding them in an enticing diction, one is not left in doubt that he is a scholar of sound Islamic tutorage, an inspiring motivator in totality of the verses of the Qur’an.

  Hear him: “I am grateful to my brother, the Otaru of Auchi and the governor of Edo State. As we celebrate the participation, it isn’t enough to read the Qur’an, we should know what the Holy Book enjoins us to do, it’s not enough just to memorize it, but should follow and practice it, it’s not an ordinary book, it is a religious light. We have people killing people somewhere, they are not true believers. Is there something wrong in the teaching of the Qur’an? It is the responsibility of the state to protect its citizens, any part that is not liberated must be liberated. The Qur’an is the most noble doctrine. We have to fight for the integrity of true believers, the day of silence is over, our religion must not be distorted. If your enemy comes to attack you and you don’t fight back, God will not help you. Pray, arm yourself and the state must protect you, until we citizens are ready to die, defending ourselves and this is the clear exposition in the Qur’an: you must be conscious and work for the rights and encourage the education of the girl child. Finally, the doctrine of the Holy Qur’an must be encouraged further by really being true practitioners and this would create peace amongst the true Islam Ummah.”

  The short but deeply penetrating speech attracted thunderous ovation from the crowd as they echoed Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great). This writer felt a rebirth nostalgia and wondered really if the insurgents causing havoc in other Muslim parts of the North East of the country are really Muslims as the paid and armed rascals parading lawlessly at the expense of a failed state system of governance.

  The Shehu of Borno, His Eminence Abubakar Umar Garbai El-Kanemi, the Royal Father of the day called on the entire Muslim Ummah to rededicate itself to the practice of the Qur’an, pray for peace in the country and commended the Otaru of Auchi for his endless pursuit of wellbeing of humanity in his domain and his commitment to propagating the ideals and pristine values of Islam.

  Governor Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole, the Chief Host said: our traditional rulers should remain the pivot of unity of the country: “if we can understand the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and adhere to them, there will be peace in the country. Peace will continue to be far away, unless we keep to the doctrine of the Qur’an. Some of our utterances are too challenging. We have to build a country wherein the ordinary and classified people can live together. I call on the political class to learn from our royal fathers the spirit of oneness.”

