You are not of the world – Part 6

Ejikeme Ejim. Photo; PUOREPORTS

Key Verse: John 17:16, “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” (NKJV)
You cannot be coming to church and be living for the devil. You cannot serve two masters, Jesus said in Mathew 6:24. You have to choose whom to serve, and this was the subject of Joshua’s address to the tribe of Israel. Joshua said to them in Joshua 24:15, “Choose you this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell.” But Joshua said, “for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

When I was in the Scripture Union (SU), I was the secretary. We used to sing a beautiful song, “Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me, I will serve the Lord.” It is a choice. I am happy to tell you that as a pastor, I have made my choice. My joy is not in any position that I occupy; my joy is in being a child of God. I have made my choice and everybody should make theirs. Moses was speaking to Israel and he said: “I have placed before you this day, life and death, blessing and curses. Choose life that you may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). I have made my choice. I saw Satan; I saw demons; I saw evil spirits, I see sin everyday and sin is everywhere everyday, but I have made my choice. I have decided to choose Jesus and I have no apologies about that. I stand as a child of God and I want to go deeper and deeper into the Lord as He will lead me to go. You too should make your choice.

I am a pastor and among the pastors, I made my choice. All pastors are not the same. There are good pastors and there are bad ones. There are ugly pastors, but I have chosen to be one of the good ones and every pastor makes his or her choice. There are different types of church members, so, make your choice. There are true members and there are hypocrites; there are liars; there are cheats; make your choice, I have made mine. Our business is to surrender ourselves — spirit, soul and body — to Christ as chosen people, peculiar people, special people, which is what will bring about the testimony for which we shall be known when we go out there.

You must understand that: the moment that you say that you are a child of God, it is no longer about you, but Christ. John the Baptist got it right and said it in a very beautiful way and John the Apostle recorded it in John Chapter 3. When they were asking John lots of questions, he simply answered them in John 3:26-30. In verse 30, John said, “Jesus must increase and I must decrease.” Jesus must increase and you must decrease. People must always see Jesus in you. It is Jesus that they will keep seeing in your life, because the Bible, says that we should grow in faith, grace and in the knowledge of our saviour, Jesus Christ. If people are not seeing Jesus in your life, then you have missed it and if people are not seeing more and more of Jesus in your life, then you have failed. Jesus must increase. The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch because people saw Jesus in their lives. So, let your life be filled with Jesus. Give no room to the devil.
• Today’s Nugget: Let Your Life Be Filled With Jesus.
Prayer: Let my life be filled more and more with Jesus. Prayer lines: 08054477940. E-mail: Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Nigeria


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