11,547 artisanal miners registered to formalise gold mining

Mining site

Four years after the launch of the Presidential Artisanal Gold Mining Initiative (PAGMI), the programme has successfully enrolled 11,547 artisanal and small-scale miners (ASMs).

PAGMI, established by the Solid Mineral Development Fund (SMDF), aims to formalise and regulate the artisanal gold mining sector while promoting responsible mining practices and environmental protection.

This milestone signifies significant progress in the formalisation and integration of artisanal gold mining activities. It demonstrates the success of PAGMI in attracting and engaging small-scale miners in legal and regulated mining operations, empowering them economically and supporting them.

PAGMI was launched in 2019 by ex-President Muhammadu Buhari as a comprehensive development programme for artisanal and small-scale gold mining. It plays a crucial role in bringing mining activities into Nigeria’s legal, economic and institutional framework.

The initiative was created to address structural and institutional challenges such as rural poverty, lack of alternative livelihoods and difficulties in meeting legal requirements, which contribute to illegal mining.

By formalising the sector, PAGMI aims to curb illegal mining, increase job creation, income generation and economic diversification as well as enhance revenue collection.

The impact of PAGMI has been significant, according to the Executive Secretary of SMDF, Fatima Shinkafi. She said the formalisation of artisanal mining activities under PAGMI has allowed ASMs to access improved equipment and technologies, receive training on safe and efficient mining practices and gain easier access to financing and markets for their gold output.

“PAGMI has also encouraged private-sector-led investment in the gold mining sector, leading to economic growth and development. The enrollment of 11,547 ASMs into PAGMI serves as evidence of the program’s success in transitioning miners from informal and hazardous practices to a more regulated and sustainable approach.

“The commitment of the Nigerian government to support and empower ASMs through initiatives like PAGMI is essential for the development of the mining industry and overall economic growth,” she said.


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