17-year old girl needs N500,000 for jaw tumour surgery

Hannah Adesanya

A 17-year-old girl, Hannah Adesanya, who was diagnosed with a life-threatening tumour on her left jaw, has appealed to well-meaning Nigeria to save her soul. She is seeking financial assistance of N500,000 from public-spirited people to undergo surgery.

A lead consultant handling the treatment, Dr Taye Toni of the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH), who first handled Hannah’s case, said the tumour has to be removed to avoid further degeneration of her brain.

Toni, who disclosed this via telephone interview with The Guardian advised that in removing the affected bone, it has to be a major surgery.
He added that the affected bone would be removed and replaced with an implant, “something like an iron. The iron will be put there to help form a new bone,” he explained.

The patient was referred to a centre in Gombe for the surgical operation.

However, Miss Adesanya’s mother, Remi, said she has been a single mother since her husband abandoned the family when Hannah was just three years old. Remi’s financial strength, according to her, cannot cater for the surgery and has sought for help to save her daughter’s life.

She said: “When I noticed that the left part of her face around her jaw was swollen, I initially thought that it was tooth pain. It appeared like a boil, but my sister suggested rushing her to hospital, as the pain was getting worse. I first took her to the Specialist Hospital, Bauchi where an x-ray was done and she was referred to ATBUTH.

“After examining her, the doctor expressed surprise and called his colleagues. They came to see and they too were surprised and the doctor asked me to go back to the Specialist hospital to do a CT scan.

“The result was brought back to the doctor who reported that she has no left cheekbone and surgery, which will cost N500,000 is required to correct it.

“I don’t even have N15,000 but the doctors explained that the surgery has to be done because it can affect my daughter’s brain. I am appealing to well-meaning Nigerians and organisations to come to my aid to save my daughter’s life.”

Adesanya could be reached via: telephone number 08169911648 or through her mother’s First Bank account, number: 3049305305 and name: Remi Adesanya.


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