2 reasons HUH, burners of $4million worth and SHIB, dominating top 85% of meme currencies are branded scammers

The saying almost reverberates around my head, ‘is HUH Token a scam?’, ‘is Shiba Inu a scam?’… it almost feels like a redundant question at this point given the stats, figures, and proven history (however short) of the likes of Shiba Inu and HUH Token. 

Scams in finance and money-based industries are nothing new, in fact, scam artists have existed, more than likely, longer than currency has… right back to the times of exchanging livestock and goods as a means of payment. 

It then, in that scope, seems only natural that cryptocurrencies would run into similar rumours.

Though, ‘is it a scam is an important question for both new and seasoned crypto lovers, so, let’s look at two key points of why HUH Token and Shiba Inu are labelled as scams and how this couldn’t be true…

Too Good To Be True: The Curse of Early On Popularity 
Most people are wary of the adage ‘if it seems too good to be true, then, it probably is’ however, that’s not exactly how the cryptocurrency market works… given that all audited and certified cryptocurrencies are listed on numerous sites like coinmarketcap.com, coingecko.com, poocoin.com, BitForex, PancakeSwap, UniSwap and BSCscan, to name a few. 

The aforementioned will show to anyone who cares to look at the market cap, liquidity, holders, all the juicy stuff in graphs and numerical digits… proving that the likes of HUH Token and Shiba Inu simply couldn’t be scams. 

The proof of their success should be enough to quell the fire of internet rumours, but as well know, the internet is deep and vast and with it, all kinds of kooky things come out of the digital woodwork, no more so than the reverberation of the word scam. 

Though in recent times, scams are at an all-time high, and thankfully audits on cryptocurrency can aid in settling your worries about scams not only this, but it might be doubtful that whale investors would choose HUH Token and Shiba Inu if they worried that the two cryptocurrencies were scams. 

It appears that early on success comes with a scam warning, but that also appears to simply be part of and course of being a newcomer on the cryptocurrency market… 

Though, it seems with HUH Token’s recent practice of generosity from its $4million worth burn to its current aim for $500million market cap on Poocoin by Sunday the 26th of December, by giving new and seasoned holders $500,000 worth of HUH Token through a process of top deposits. Deposits must start at $1000 and can increase from that much however much you’d like… the top 20 deposits will be rewarded by HUH Token in the following structure: 

No.1 Spot – $100k worth of HUH Tokens

No.2 + No.3 Spots – $70k worth of HUH each.

No.4 + No.5 – $30k worth of HUH each. 

No.6 to No.25 – $10k worth of HUH each.  

And five winners will be chosen at random!

Tokens will not be vested and can be sold immediately upon receiving if that’s what the winners choose to do… but as HUH Token grows it appears they want to further that generous spirit and extend it and nurture it within HUH Token holders. Starting now until midnight GMT+1 time on the 26th of December.

Shiba Inu also demonstrated further leaps into generosity with a SHIB burn that allowed them to enter the crypto metaverse, where they now plan to offer similar tropes as play-to-earn. Not only this but the dog-faced cryptocurrency also makes donations to them, not for profited organisation, Shiba Inu Rescue Association that helps many helpless non-digital dogs and adds to India’s covid relief fund. 

Scammers, at least in my experience, never give back.

Crypto Regulation To Protect Investors?
One finance expert, Robert Courtneidge, believes that with crypto regulation just around the corner, that investors could see greater protection in the cryosphere from scams and the market’s volatility. 

Though, it seems that Shiba Inu and HUH Token are taking steps to combat a lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency market by employing tactics of their own. 

For instance, HUH Token has an always-active bug bounty, has been audited by three companies Certik, Solidity Finance and Shellbox… HUH Token also have DAOs. 

Shiba Inu was also audited by Certik and other safety precautions were taken as stipulated in their WhitePaper which can be found on Shiba Inu’s webpage.

Though it seems with great regulations coming into play and wider use and acceptance of cryptocurrency the likes of HUH Token and Shiba Inu will see a lack of scam rumours in the future as further proof of their generous spirit and scam free existence is proven time and time again. 

If you’re interested in knowing more about HUH Token and Shiba Inu you can visit the links below and complete a Google search… however, it’s always best to do your research into the cryptocurrency market before buying. 

Currently, HUH Token offer a smart contract referral that offers holders a code that when used grants the holder 10%BNB and the referred party a 10% sales fee reduction. The code can be used over and over again by new people, and in turn, increases further the value of HUH for its holders new and seasoned. 

Website: https://huh.social
HUH Official Swap- https://swap.huh.social/
Telegram: https://t.me/HUHTOKEN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuhToken
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huhToken/


