December 24, 2009 - Page 2

Peak Soccer Moment on screen soon

IN line with its sports promotion focus, Lagos-based sports management and media marketing enterprise, HotSports, is partnering foremost milk producers, Peak - a brand of Friesland Campina WAMCO - for the sponsorship
15 years ago

When artists prayed to ward off death

Year 2009, for many, has been one year of mixed fortune. For the arts community, it was another annus horribilis - horrible year. There had been frustrating arts and culture policies. And
15 years ago

Concerning UCH contracts

SIR: In April 2009, the University Teaching Hospital (UCH), Ibadan through newspaper adverts, called for pre-qualification from prospective contractors for various projects ranging from construction to supply of specialised medical equipment. Each
15 years ago

Another assault on the media

SIR: Nigeria, in yet another characteristic form is gradually inching towards joining countries that shame the African continent, in terms of attacks on the media by unknown persons. The most recent was
15 years ago

Jesus: Epitome of love and tolerance

SIR: As Christians in Nigeria and all other parts of the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we felicitate with them on this monumental occasion. Christmas period is not only a
15 years ago

Ibrahim Tahir: A personal loss

THE death of Dr. Ibrahim Tahir, Talban Bauchi, fondly referred to as Baba Talba, in the family circles, on December 8, 2009, was a deeply personal loss to me in more ways
15 years ago

Christmas and the family

IT is here again, the season of joy. How nice to observe that age-long family custom of keeping vigil on Christmas Eve night. The joy of sitting round the tall, glittering and
15 years ago