January 23, 2015 - Page 5

Event Planning Best Practices

IN the next couple of weeks, we will be considering what we have tagged “Best Practices in Event Planning”. These are practices that have been proven to greatly determine event success. We
9 years ago

The Choice Is Yours

I AM Omoni Oboli and I represent Naija! What a time to be alive in our country’s political history! The education and reeducation of a nation which hitherto had been ignorant of
9 years ago

Attracting The Best Kind Of Love

I’M going to tell you a bit about my previous relationships. We all know that every relationship starts out great. Thing is, there was chemistry for a while, but then they declined
9 years ago

A Heartfelt Cry For Our Nation

THIS is a public message but also an intensely personal one as well. It can’t be nothing but heartfelt for everyone who truly desires the wellbeing of one’s own country. Degradation is
9 years ago

And Muna Obiekwe Sleeps, Albeit Permanently

PRACTITIONERS and fans of the Nollywood industry were thrown into deep mourning on Sunday January 18 when news broke that one of Nollywood’s favourite actors, Muna Obiekwe had passed on. The busy
9 years ago
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