February 14, 2015

Adaranijo: Politicising Taxation In Lagos Elections

IT was not on the usual campaign trail but at a very formal stakeholders meeting on taxation that no less a person than Lagos State Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola made the unforgivable gaffe that PDP governorship candidate Jimi Agbaje is a serial tax defaulter and should not be electable as governor of the state. That should be the most potent example in
9 years ago

Abia And Desperate Politicians

Sir: Desperate politicians in Abia State are doing everything in their roguish schemes to malign the government of Governor Theodore Orji and the candidature of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) gubernatorial candidate
9 years ago

Watch Those Christian And Islamic Clerics

Sir: Whoever means well for Nigeria should pay close attention to the utterances and actions of Christians and Muslims in general, and Christo-Islamic clerics in particular. It is significant that while those
9 years ago

Cambridge WASC As A Telling Allegory

THESE are truly ecstatic times. The political space or terrain is adorned in bright, ornate colours. Characters, events and the general setting bespeak enthusiasm, gaiety, pomp and pageantry. At the deep level meaning,
9 years ago

Williams: Blame Yourselves

THE most popular headline last week was the fret by politicians that some ‘coup’ had occurred, as a result of the postponement of the general elections earlier billed to take off yesterday.
9 years ago
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