July 25, 2015

Arsenal hits Lyon hard With Six Goals

Arsenal made a stylish start to their Emirates Cup campaign as four goals in nine minutes inspired a scintillating 6-0 rout of Lyon on Saturday. Arsene Wenger’s side demolished their woeful French
9 years ago

Saudis declare Yemen truce to allow in aid

The Saudi-led coalition bombing Yemeni rebels since March declared a five-day truce Saturday so aid can reach a country the UN says is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster. Announcing the
9 years ago

African qualifying draw for 2018 World Cup

African Zone qualifying draw for 2018 World Cup made in St Petersburg on Saturday (five African sides qualify for finals in Russia): 1st round (October 2015) The 26 lowest-ranked African sides in
9 years ago

Britain lifts Iran travel warning

Britain lifted an official warning against all but essential travel to Iran on Saturday, citing “decreased hostility” in the wake of a landmark nuclear deal. Almost all of Iran is now marked
9 years ago
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