July 29, 2015 - Page 14

Rotary plans N2.5bn projects in Abuja, others

Calls for greater vigilance on polio ROTARY International has called for greater vigilance to sustain Nigeria’s gain in the war against polio. Rotary International President, Jonathan Majiyagbe, made the assertion in Abuja
9 years ago

Offshore West Africa partners SDI on forum

Offshore West Africa (OWA) Conference & Exhibition, owned and produced by PennWell Corporation, has entered into a strategic partnership for the upcoming 20th anniversary edition with Scottish Development International (SDI). Taking place
9 years ago

Ogun State and financial opportunity

SIR: Permit me to express my view on the present financial predicament facing various governments in Nigeria and the financial opportunity available to Ogun State Government. There is no doubt that virtually
9 years ago