December 23, 2015

Canada PM urges generosity for Syrian refugees

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used his Christmas address Wednesday to urge fellow Canadians to warmly welcome Syrian refugees. “This year, Canadians are welcoming thousands of Syrian refugees to our country — people
9 years ago

Postponement Of Butterscotch Evenings 2015

Over the years, Butterscotch Evening has become one of Nigeria’s most anticipated events. Butterscotch Evenings is centered around fine dining by World class Michelin Star Chefs, accompanied by great quality performances by
9 years ago

Trump laps Republican field in latest 2016 poll

Provocative billionaire Donald Trump is the dominant Republican candidate heading into the 2016 presidential election year, after a poll released Wednesday gave him double the support of his nearest competitor. The real
9 years ago
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