2023: ActionAid Nigeria urges active participation of women, youths in politics

ActionAid Nigeria has urged women and young people to engage actively and make their votes count in the process of electing new political leaders in the country.

[FILES] Youths

Besides, the international agency believed until the younger generation in Nigeria take their rightful place in the scheme of electoral process, women and youth may continued to suffer the resourcefulness required to reach their potentials.

Country representative of the agency, Mrs. Ene Obi, made the declaration yesterday in Kano while addressing women and youths at the unveiling of “Hope, Action and Progress,” a new campaign project ahead of 2023 political era.

According to Obi, the new campaign slogan was intended to reawaken the consciousness of women and youths voting population on the right to decide the candidate that will improve good governance and protect their interest.

The ActionAid representative, who reminded the audience of the impact of bad governance on the country, as a result of voting the wrong candidates in the position of authority, insisted the youth and women, who suffered the consequences most; must not subdue their voting power to selfish politicians.

Although, Obi declared that ActionAid is not involve or interested in partisan politics, the country representative stressed that ActionAid will intensify commitment to identifying and building capacity of women and youths who are willing to engage in politics.

She explained that the body is collaborating with critical stakeholders, including civil society organisations and the media in the new project, intended to strengthening political process and human capacity.

“ActionAid Nigeria, in the last 22 years of operations in Nigeria has developed meaningful human and material resources to improve education, health, human development, finance, empowerment, women and children and youth development, across the 36 states of the Federation, including the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

“The Agency believes poverty and every other human made challenges can be eradicated in Nigeria, if the public resources are rightful appropriated and to those who are critically in need. And the new project is targeted at building capacity of the youth and women willing to participate in politics.

“We are passionate about making positive impact and change in the country through electing the right persons into the positions of authority. We also want to remind the youth and women on the power they possess, which is their right to elect persons that will represent them in governance. We call on this category of people to register with Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to get their voter card to exercise their franchise,” Obi said.

Representative of the emir of Kano, who also holds the traditional title of Fagachin Kano, Alh. Habibu Bello Dankade, urged women and youths in the ancient city to ensure full participation in politics with the hope to vote credible candidates to various elective positions.

Representatives of various political parties invited, expressed satisfaction with the initiative and urged the electorates to exercise their voting power to pick the right leaders.


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