2023 General Elections: All citizens must be involved in political process


The General Elections comes up in 2023. This is the opportune time for the citizens to exercise their rights to choose our leaders. Politics is God-given process in the ordering of His world and society. Politics is not dirty as has been perceived by some people in the past, even though some people have hijacked the political processes for their personal agenda.

We encourage all citizens to be involved in the political process of our states and nation. Christians should register in any party of their choice and be involved in the party’s activities from the ward to the national levels. Those who contest for political positions are chosen from the grassroots and ward levels. The Anglican Church must be focused and fully mobilised in the political processes throughout this country.

We encourage all Anglican members to register, obtain and keep their voter cards and National Identification Number (NIN). The state election for Anambra State is slated for November 2021. We encourage all citizens of the state to participate and pray for a peaceful election and smooth transition of power.

All groups and organs of the Church must be mobilised for political engagement. Our seminar shall be on the role of the Church in the democratic process in Nigeria. The political mobilisation group for the Church of Nigeria will have to guide us on constructive engagement.

(Culled from the Address of Primate Henry Ndukuba to the Church of Nigeria’s Standing Committee 2021 at Onitsha, by the Ven. Dr Princewill Ireoba)


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