2023: Nigerians must set agenda for next political aspirants, group declares

[files] A voter drops ballot papers into a ballot box during an election in Nigeria.
Ahead of 2023 general election, The Nigeria Agenda (TNA), has challenged relevant stakeholders and concern citizens to resist any attempt by political elites to take advantage of primordial sentiments to score selfish political gains.

Besides, the group insisted that Nigerians must set agenda for the politicians seeking elective positions in 2023 and should jettisoned the traditional campaign of ambitious promises that hardly materialised.

The Chief Advocate of TNA, Chief Niyi Akinsiju, made the plea in Kano while addressing about 50 organised groups including civil society movements, students unions and other stakeholders at the inaugural advocacy edition of TNA.

Akinsiju explained that with multi-facet tribal groups, diverse background and multiple religious setting, Nigerians must raised the bar of who become the next president of the country above sentiments, but concentrate on competence and credibility of the candidates irrespective of political affiliation.

TNA Chief Advocate insisted that it is high time Nigerians adopted a structural system that would enable political leaders answerable for their deeds in office to the citizens as the next election draws nearer.

He said TNA is concern about reawakening Nigerians to electing credible and competence leaders that will ensure justice and fairness across board and bring about peace and unit in the country.

Akinsiju explained that TNA is unleashing the new conversation across the country and urged Nigerians to adoption the new paradigm shift to bail Nigeria out of protracted gimmick of political class.

“As a collective, demand of leaders, the requirements of social progression, economic growth, security of lives and properties at all tiers of government. We must emplace leadership that will ensure inclusiveness, transparency in government and integrity in the business of governance.

“This translate to making political leaders answerable for their deeds in office to the citizens; to ensure compliance by leaders to ethos of equality, right of access to material assets, to justice and to the enjoyment of unhiddered peaceful existence anywhere we may find ourselves within the Nigerian geographical space,” Akinsiju noted.


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