2024 Hajj: Nigeria announces May 15 for inaugural flight

Hajj Pilgrims

The inaugural flight of Nigerian pilgrims for the 2024 Hajj exercise will depart the country for Saudi Arabia on May 15, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), said on Thursday.

NAHCON Chairman/CEO, Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi, disclosed this in his opening remark at the first National Stakeholder Summit of Nigeria’s Hajj and Umrah Industry held at the Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Centre in Abuja.

Arabi informed that close to 65,500 Nigerian pilgrims would participate in the 2024 Hajj, adding that they would be airlifted by the approved airlines from 10 departure centres across the country.

The NAHCON boss said the commission had decided that for this year’s operations, all Nigerian pilgrims would visit and spend at least four days in Madinah before the commencement of the Hajj rites proper.

Speaking at the summit, Arabi said coming together of stakeholders was a divine responsibility on all, noting that the theme of the summit, “Partnership, Collaboration and Teamwork: The tripod of success for 2024 Hajj operations”, was carefully chosen.

He said the Hajj body deemed it fit to dialogue with critical stakeholders to ensure successful Hajj operations this year.

He added that it is important that all stakeholders work together for the pilgrims to have a memorable Hajj experience this year.


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