2024: Let’s redouble efforts toward fighting insecurity, says Armed Forces Commandant

Armed Force

The Commandant, Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre (NAFRC), Air Vice Marshal Adeniyi Amesinlola, has called on military personnel to redouble efforts in 2024 toward tackling and eradicating security challenges in our country.

Amesinlola made the call as the Special Guest Of Honour (SGOH) during the Logistics Command, Nigerian Air Force (NAF), 2023 End Of The Year Base Sociocultural Activities (BASA) which held at the command on Friday.

He said that the security of Nigeria must be of top priority as members and families of the armed forces, and as such, must be considered a very expedient routine exercise.

“We are all aware of the trending terrorism, kidnapping, armed banditry, insurgency and other forms of security challenges in various parts of the country.

“This hampers peace and economic development, we must therefore brace up to our responsibilities as professionally trained personnel to nib these menace in the bud.

“The NAFRC will continue to cooperate with the NAF and other sister services and security agencies to ensure peace and tranquility reign within our area of responsibility,” the commandant said.

Amesinlola said that he was elated to be invited as the SGOH for the 2023 BASA as directed by the Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar.

He said the activity was in consonance with one of the key enablers of the CAS command philosophy for the NAF which was “maintaining a highly motivated force by enhancing welfare and infrastructural renewal.”

“The logistics command is keying into this enabler and has also maintained focus in its mandate to provide credible logistics in support of NAF operations for the enhancement of national security,” Amesinlola said.

The commandant said that the BASA provided a platform to appreciate the loyalty and efforts of personnel in the previous year in order to motivate them to put in their best in the new year.

“If this culture is maintained in the military, it will further boost the morale of personnel to always give in their best particularly in tackling security and other challenges in our country.

“I congratulate the Air Officer Commanding (AOC) AVM Yaro Abdullahi and his entire staff on the several successes recorded by the command in the year 2023.

“We pray that this year, your capabilities will be strengthened and the display of loyalty and achievements will be outstanding in this current year,” Amesinlola said.

Similarly, the AOC, Logistics Command, NAF, AVM Abdullahi said that laudable achievements were recorded in 2023 through determined efforts in the effective conduct of logistic roles in support of NAF operations.

He said that major achievements bordered on sustenance of platforms, several completed and ongoing projects targeted at personnel welfare and improved work environment among others that impacted positively on the host community.

“As the houseman of the command, I can not have achieved all this alone without the support and cooperation of my officers, airmen, airwomen and civilian staff.

“This event, therefore, serves as an avenue to appreciate the hardwork and dedication shown by personnel in the course of discharging their duties during the year 2023.

“The end of the year party has also availed us an opportunity to celebrate the Base Sociocultural Activities (BASA),” the AOC said.

Abdullahi said that BASA was traced to the British who started it way back in January 1946 after the second world war to honour officers that participated in the war.

“The activity was subsequently incorporated into the year to year activities of the Nigerian Armed Forces.

“It is aimed at bringing together officers, airmen, airwomen and their families to strengthen the existing bonds among different ethnic groups in the base,” he said.

The AOC said that in commemorating the event vis-a-vis its significance, remarkable awards such as best and overall best officers, airmen and airwomen of the year were packaged to motivate personnel.

Abdullahi said that the year 2023 was not without its odd times, however, he remained grateful to the CAS for his strategic guidance in surmounting some of the challenges.

“Therefore, I will enjoin personnel of the command to remain steadfast in their constitutional call of duty which demands our defence of territorial integrity of the nation.

“Additionally, I will urge you to redouble your efforts in fighting insecurity and other forms of crimes to protect lives and prosperities in Lagos State and its environs,” the AOC said.


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