24.8 million Nigerians at risk of starvation, FAO warns

Inflation, fuel and Naira scarcity might push 24.8 million Nigerians into hunger between June and August, Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has warned.

The Acute Food and Nutrition Insecurity Analysis, also known as Cadre Harmonise Fiche, carried out by the United Nations (UN) agency, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other partners, noted that 18,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 26 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) would be affected.

The report submitted that some 17.7 million people, including 14,000 IDPs in 26 states and FCT currently in food crisis, may have their situation worsened by May.

It projected that Adamawa State would have 5.2 million persons experiencing food insecurity during the period, out of which one million people, would be worse off.

In Borno State, 6.9 million persons are to face similar crisis, from which 1.9 million people would be in catastrophe. But in Yobe State, 4.8 million people are to be food insecure, with 1.2 million persons to be in direr conditions.

The report noted that food consumption level has remained inadequate. Other key drivers include prolonged petrol scarcity and associated hike in pump price.

FAO Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Fred Kafeero, during presentation of the CH result, yesterday, in Abuja, expressed anxiety over increased vulnerability during the lean season.

According to him, Nigeria needs to re-commit and use available resources to mitigate deterioration of food security. Consequently, FAO said it has continued to support government in implementation of CH processes through funding and technical support.

Permanent Secretary (PS), Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Ernest Umakhihe, assured partners of government’s commitment to honour outcome and recommendations for improved service delivery.

Represented by Director, Department of Planning and Policy Coordination, Ibrahim Tanimu, the PS charged participants to contribute positively to national development.


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