3 Best Ways To Cut Onions Without Crying

Onions on a chopping board. Photo – Pixabay / Tove Erbs

Onions are a classic addition to numerous food recipes across the globe, and while we love them for the taste they provide, they somehow leave us teary. Why do they make us cry?

The science behind onions

Well, onions have compounds called sulfoxides that are released when the onion is cut. These compounds react with enzymes to form a gas called syn-Propanethial-S-oxide. When this gas comes into contact with our eyes, it irritates them, causing them to tear up as a protective response. Fresh onions tend to cause less irritation than older ones do but it is almost impossible to differentiate them.

Fortunately, there are three effective methods to minimise this reaction. Here are the three best ways to cut onions without crying;

1. Cut them under running water

This method is the most tried and true way to avoid getting teary-eyed while slicing onions. Doing this will wash away the irritant compounds before they can get to your eyes. This method allows the running water to dilute and wash away the sulfuric compounds. Hence, minimising their concentration in the air and reducing their teary effect.

Additionally, this method can be messy since it might make you splash water around while cutting them. Ensure to roll up your sleeves before doing this.

2. Freeze before cutting

Freezing onions before cutting them is another way to reduce the tear-inducing effects. The cold temperature slows down the release of the sulfuric compounds, reducing their ability to irritate your eyes. This method does not mean you should primarily store them inside the fridge or freezer. What you can do is place the onions in the freezer for 10 – 15 minutes before cutting them. Don’t let it sit in the freezer for too long because it’ll be too hard to slice through by then.

READ ALSO: Know Your Onions – Six Different Types And How To Use Them

3. Cut in front of a fan

The most awkward but effective method. The fan should be in a position that blows the air away from you, preventing the sulfuric compounds from reaching your eyes. This method is the most convenient and it doesn’t need any extra preparation aside from the onions itself.



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