3,000 mothers to benefit from Workingmum Diary financial workshop


To bridge the financial gap faced by women, Workingmum Diary Ng, a vibrant motherhood support community founded by Omolabake Matthew, will host its very first finance workshop targeted at mums today.

The virtual event, themed, ‘Reality Check on Why Mums Don’t Have Money’ will attract over 3,000 mums, making it a first-of-its-kind landmark gathering dedicated to tackling the root problem of financial inadequacy mums face. Touch points would be on Factors Affecting Mums from Having Enough Money, How to Reset to a Wealth Mindset, How to Position Yourself for Wealth and How to Grow Your Capacity.

The event will feature an impressive lineup of prominent speakers who have coached and listened to many mums from different backgrounds and have noticed some factors and patterns a lot of mums have as regards money.

They include founder, Shecluded, Ifeoma Uddoh; founder, the FinTribe, Jennifer Awirigwe, popularly called financial Jennifer; and business development strategist for mobabycare, Maryam Adebola-Salami.

The panelists include Social Entrepreneur, Chinyere Uchendu; founder of Fluffy Petals and finance_for_moms, Oluwayemi Oshifowora and founder momcarewithyewande, Yewande Adekoya.

Speaking on the essence of the workshop, Matthew said: “Most mums have to understand and push against some factors, patterns and ideologies hindering their long-term financial success. Many mums do a lot of unpaid labour masked as family duties that are often not appreciated, have lower propensity for taking financial risks, suffer from unlearned financial literacy skills, low pay gap usually caused by taking time off paid employment/work for caregiving amongst others.”

She added that most financial decisions taken by mums are often masked with emotions and sentiments, calling on mothers to continue their quest for financial inclusion and intentionality.

Matthew is a social entrepreneur and also the co-founder Nutrition4kidsng. With over 47,000 online and offline community members, Workingmum Diary Ng community keeps pushing for initiatives to empower, enlighten and support mums to improve their quality of life.


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