49-year-old trader seeks N12m for kidney transplant


A 49-YEAR-OLD trader in Ilorin, Kwara State, Mrs. Ifeoma Unachukwu, diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, is currently battling with failed kidneys as she seeks N12 million for kidney transplant.
The mother of four is currently at the Federal Teaching Hospital Gombe, Ashaka Road, Gombe State, where she was diagnosed of advanced chronic kidney disease.
The Guardian learnt that her ordeal started in February last year when she fell sick and was treated for malaria without knowing it was kidney disease.
The petty trader, who spoke on phone, said: “I was attending private hospitals in Ilorin where I was treated for malaria. The drugs were not having the needed effect. I went to another hospital, where Prof. Ojuawo recommended a kidney test. Before the commencement of the treatment, doctors went on strike at the Federal Hospital Ilorin, which forced me to go home in pains, frustration and sorrow as I dread to hear that I had the disease (kidney) that once claimed the life of my younger sister, Ngozi.
“The last test I did revealed that my two kidneys were beyond repairs and needed replacement and that I am also hypertensive. The consultant counselled that I should be placed on dialysis; I was also placed on medication for hypertension and weekly injection for anemia, as well as to get a kidney transplant.”
She revealed that she undergoes dialysis three times a week at the rate of between N18,000 and N20,000 per session with additional N10,000 for weekly treatment and drugs.
“I am appealing to Nigerians and well-meaning people to please assist me to live again. The doctors said the possible solution is to go for kidney transplants and we have located a hospital in Lagos, and we need about N12 million for the transplant,” she said.
A consultant from the teaching hospital in Gombe, Dr. Remigius Ezeugonwa, confirmed Ifeoma’s case.He said: “She has been under our management in this hospital for over a year now. She is hypertensive and anemic. The two kidneys are gone and she is doing dialysis regularly. On our own, we have done the little we can.
“One dialysis costs almost N30,000. Due to the huge finances required to manage this, the husband looks drained. They need support, as she requires surgery and kidney transplant to enable her to live.”
Ifeoma’s husband, Unachukwu Jude, said: “She has been in and out of hospital for almost three years before it was discovered in February last year to be a kidney problem. At one point, we almost lost hope because we were financially exhausted.”
He appealed to Nigerians to come to their aid to make Ifeoma live. He can be contacted on 08033734754, while donations could be made to Jude Unachukwu, Access Bank, Account Number, 0039232964.


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