60 per cent of children under age five suffer acute malnutrition in Jigawa

[FILE PHOTO] Governor Muhammadu Badaru of Jigawa

A survey has shown that 60 per cent of children under the age of five years are suffering from impair growth due to acute severe malnutrition in Jigawa State.

Besides, the children presently witnessing a high degree of stunting as a result of nutrient deficiencies making them prone to infection, inadequate psychosocial stimulation and other life-threatening complications.

Executive Secretary, Jigawa State Primary Health Care Development Agency, Dr Kabir Ibrahim-Aliyu, revealed the outcome of the survey during an advocacy meeting held on Thursday in Kano.

The advocacy meeting held at the instance of Jigawa State Government in collaboration with Aisha Buhari Foundation (ABF), drew the participation of the 27 Local Government Area (LGA) Chairmen of Jigawa state and critical stakeholders on nutrition to reevaluate the menace of malnutrition in the state.

Ibrahim-Aliyu said that despite the commitment of the state government in tackling the issue of malnutrition, the number of stunting Children continue to progress on alarming rate.

“In the past 3-years, the Jigawa State Government has committed not less than N300 million as part of effort to improve nutrition among the children under the age of five,”Ibrahim-Aliyu said.

“And I want to assure you that we will not relent in our efforts towards ensuring free malnutrition in the state. Especially with the support of the Aisha Buhari foundation and other supporting agencies.

According to him, there is a lot of improvement in the state on the issue of managing malnutrition compared to 10 years back, hoping that as time goes on more improvement can be recorded.

The Chairman, Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) in Jigawa, Alhaji Aminu Sani-Gumel said the council chairmen have been putting a lot of efforts in the struggle against malnutrition.

Sani-Gumel, who is also the Chairman Gumel Local Government said in every year, each of the chairman spend over N200 thousands monthly as commitment to end the malnutrition challenges.

Also Speaking, the project Coordinator, Aisha Buhari foundation, Omole Ukwedeh, said the meeting was aimed at creating awareness on the menace of malnutrition.

She said, “The meeting was also to ensure that all government efforts on nutrition are highlighted. LGA Chairmen understand the scope of MINI Local Government Chairmen financial commitments are obtained.

“It was also to sensitise the participants on the malnutrition situation in the State, update the stakeholders on government efforts towards reducing and managing malnutrition in the state, update the LGA chairmen about Masaki Nutrition Initiative Advocate for sustainability of LG nutrition funding.”


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