Judge ordered stoppage of Emir Sanusi’s reinstatement from US – Kano Gov

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State.

Kano State Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf, has vowed to bring what he calls the abuse of court orders to the attention of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum.

Governor Yusuf’s statement came in response to a recent court order issued by Justice Abdullahi Muhammad Liman of the Federal High Court, Kano.

The order restrains the Kano State Government from enforcing a law that would reinstate Muhammadu Sanusi II as Emir of Kano and dethrone five other Emirs.

Liman had granted an interim injunction restraining the Inspector General of Police, Kano State Police Commissioner, Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), and the Department of State Services (DSS) from enforcing, executing, implementing, or operationalising the Kano State Emirate Council (repeal) law.

Reacting to this, Governor Yusuf criticised the court order, questioning the judge’s decision to rule on the case while reportedly being outside of Nigeria.

“The person that issued the court order was in America, but he is ordering us to stop what we are doing. This issue of abuse I must present before the Governors’ Forum so that we can tackle it accordingly,” Yusuf said.

“We are agents of following due process; that’s why we did what we did openly before everybody. Those that are meant to maintain the rule of law must follow it also.”


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