A call to embrace evidence-based thinking

BRF new book.Photo:Twitter

As the morning sun’s warm embrace gently skims the horizon, I find myself perched upon my balcony, enveloped in a symphony of sights and sounds that define the tapestry of Nigerian life. I had just closed the book titled “Nigerian Public Discourse – The Interplay of Empirical Evidence and Hyperbole” by Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN. From this vantage point, I am afforded a moment of respite—a sacred interlude in which the frenetic rhythm of daily life yields to the quiet contemplation of the world around me.

In a nation brimming with diverse perspectives and deeply ingrained beliefs, it’s all too easy to fall prey to the allure of populist sentiments. Yet, amidst the cacophony of voices, there lies a pressing need for a more discerning approach—one driven not by preconceived notions but by the unwavering pursuit of truth. The words, “This monograph therefore endeavours to challenge our collective assumptions regarding various aspects of our country. Its purpose is to “inaugurate a new cohort of intellectuals who are driven by forensic facts that are both credible and reliable than being swayed by mere populist sentiments,” encapsulate the essence of this imperative. Those were the lines of the author in the Introduction section of the book, page four to be precise.

The author critically examines selected topics through the lens of over two decades of meritorious high level public service and evidence-based analysis, pivoting the way for informed discussions, contextualised and innovative solutions. The pervasive influence of populist sentiments in shaping public opinion often obscures the complexities of pressing social issues. From ethnic tensions to religious divides, Nigeria grapples with a myriad of challenges that demand nuanced understanding and compassionate dialogue.

By fostering a new cohort of intellectuals grounded in forensic facts and empirical evidence, we can bridge these divides and forge a more cohesive society. This requires a concerted effort to cultivate a culture of intellectual rigor and critical thinking across all sectors of the society. Whether in academia, governance, or grassroots activism, each of us has a role to play in championing evidence-based approaches to addressing one of Nigeria’s most pressing challenges. The path forward is clear: we must prioritise the pursuit of truth over the comfort of assumptions.

From my balcony, I am afforded a glimpse into the soul of Nigeria—a land of contrasts and contradictions, of beauty and chaos, of hope and despair. What are the actions that the author and concerned actors should possibly be taking. Inaugurating a new cohort of Nigerian intellectuals requires a collective commitment to challenging assumptions and embracing evidence-based thinking. It calls for a reimagining of our educational systems, a revitalisation of our media landscape, and a reorientation of our policymaking processes. It demands courage, curiosity, and a steadfast dedication to the pursuit of truth.

As we embark on this journey, let us remember that the future of our nation depends on the strength of our intellect and the integrity of our ideas. By challenging assumptions and embracing evidence-based thinking, we can chart a course towards a brighter, more prosperous Nigeria—one grounded in truth, justice, and the collective wisdom of its people.

Leadership, mentorship and fellowship programmes; and Strategic advocacy and communication with the objective of conscious nation building could play a pivotal role in fostering dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation of the prevalence of misinformation and disinformation, particularly in the physical and digital sphere. Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for divisive rhetoric, hate speech, and fake news, exacerbating existing fault lines and undermining trust in democratic institutions.

Strategic advocacy and communication can play a vital role in promoting accountable governance and transparency in Nigeria. We must prioritise digital literacy, media literacy, and critical thinking skills among citizens. By equipping Nigerians with the tools to discern fact from fiction, they can empower them to become responsible digital citizens and active participants in the nation-building process. Through public awareness campaigns, investigative journalism, and citizen engagement initiatives, we can foster a culture of accountability and integrity—a cornerstone of sustainable nation-building.

As a people grappling with the imperative to challenge assumptions and embrace evidence-based thinking, we must explore avenues beyond formal institutions to foster critical inquiry and informed dialogue. One such avenue lies in the realm of informal discussions—gatherings at the family dinner table, social clubs, circles of friends, and peer debates—where individuals engage in candid exchanges of ideas, beliefs, and perspectives. These informal settings serve as a channel to debunking hyperbole and improving the dissemination of correct information. Here, amidst the warmth of familial bonds or the camaraderie of friends, individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions and challenging prevailing assumptions. By encouraging open dialogue and respectful debate, these discussions offer a unique opportunity to interrogate commonly held beliefs and interrogate evidence.

At the family dinner table, for instance, generations gather to share meals and stories, bridging the gap between the wisdom of the elders and the curiosity of the young. Here, parents can impart critical thinking skills to their children, encouraging them to question authority and seek out reliable sources of information. By fostering a culture of inquiry within the confines of the home, families lay the groundwork for a more intellectually engaged citizenry.

Similarly, social clubs and circles of friends provide spaces for individuals with shared interests to come together and exchange ideas on politics, religion, current events, etc. By leveraging the collective intelligence of their peers, individuals can challenge their own assumptions and expand their worldview. Peer debates, organised within schools or community organisations, offer another avenue for intellectual engagement. Here, participants hone their argumentation skills and learn to construct persuasive arguments based on evidence. By exposing students to opposing viewpoints and teaching them to critically evaluate information, these debates cultivate a generation of critical thinkers equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Fostering conscious nation-building remains a pivotal catalyst as the nation continues its journey towards progress and prosperity. It is imperative that we implore and harness the transformative power of formal and informal advocacy and communication to demystify hyperboles in public discourse, thereby creating a brighter and more prosperous future for all her citizens.


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