A Film Adaptation Of Okediran’s Tenants Of The House Underway

Tenants-kk-CopyThe story of boy meets girl from different backgrounds or conflicting families is not a new one (Romeo and Juliet) but the idea of such story taking place in Nigeria, Africa is intriguing. In so far that the cultural values and traditions of West Africa (Nigeria) are for the most part unknown to the rest of the world.

This creates an exciting backdrop for a beautiful and dramatic movie that will appeal to the audiences around the world.

According to the director, Patience Oghre, “To be able to capture these diverse traditions and show them in a light that is both current and ancient can only do justice, promoting a positive image of Nigeria assisting the cultural preservation and promotion of Nigeria’s rich culture. Emphasis will be on the highly visual style of clothing and festival celebrations inviting unexposed audiences in to the day-to-day way of life for farmers, statesmen and herdsmen, rural life and modern urban life.

“Especially at this time of great conflict in the world where terrorism attempts to drive a hard wedge of difference in religion and cultural traditional ethics breeding hatred and fear into the minds of people. A film such as this can bring attention to very beauty of difference the conflict between tribes and cultural diversity will be explored and seen to be overcome when good leadership and governance is applied and love between two people transcends difference and adversity.

“It my intention to tell a heart warming but stirring motion picture that questions our resolve to allow old inherited wounds and cultural misunderstanding through ignorance to separate us from our fellow man. I believe this film can be of great educational assistance toward conflict resolution while promoting cultural understanding.

“It is my intention to use all the expertise available to bring a cross cultural epic, Europeans and Americans working alongside Nigerians to the world stage and thus promote Ondo state and Nigeria”.

While the author of the book Dr. Wale Okediran is the Executive Producer, Tunde Kilani is Co-Executive Producer. Sani Muazu, Femi Salami, Afiz Oyetoro (Saka), Hauwa Maina, Rahama Sadau, Funke Akindele and Chinyere Obi-Obasi will star in Tenants of the House.

