A purposeful life

Text: Daniel 1:8

The Lord created man to fulfill a purpose. Nobody was created for frivolities. The Lord so designed it that every individual has a unique purpose to accomplish on earth. The ability to fulfill that purpose is inbuilt with a particular picture in the heart of every man to accomplish the purpose. The Lord, in his infinite power has given man the potential to succeed.

Obviously, purpose gives confidence and creates joy when accomplished. Some youths commit suicide today because of inability to coordinate themselves and pursue their dreams. Unfulfilled life can trigger suicide. However, God’s plan is to ensure that every man fulfills his destined purpose. But accomplishment of any purpose in life requires dogged determination and forthrightness, which are lacking among many youths today.

Daniel stood out in Babylon because he had a purpose in view. He had no parents with him there but he was determined not to be distracted from his journey to destiny. He did not consider the challenges and difficulties encountered in that strange land as anything.

A man of purpose does not allow anything to distract him from his pursuit. Conversely, youths blame everyone around them for their failure in actualising their goals in life. Parents and churches are at the receiving end of these blames. Undoubtedly, parents’ responsibility is to train and cater for the needs of their children. However, no youth should crucify his or her parents if they sincerely do not have the resources to discharge their parental responsibilities.

Life without purpose is utterly meaningless; a life without a purpose dies premature. Daniel and Esther were distinguished youths that understood their purpose in life and went for it. The likes of Daniel and Esther are lacking among youths today; they do not have goals and targets in life. Today’s youths are enmeshed in modern gadgets in search of unsuspecting individuals to defraud.

The streets of this world are littered with bodies of youths without purpose. They wallow and cascade in Sodom and Egypt uncontrollably. Their hearts are set on corruption and worldliness. Purposeless life makes youths useless in life.

Jonadab was a bad influence to Amnon, because he was wrongly advised to commit incest with his sister, Tamar, which brought destruction to Amnon and his entire generation. Youths should be careful of the kind of friends they keep because the repercussion is always bitter. ‘Tamar’ is not meant for any youth otherwise you will die and perish like Amnon.

A purposeful life is God’s desire for all because it will lead to peaceful and fulfilled life.

•Further reading: 1 Sam. 9:22-27; 10:1-9; Eccl. 1:1; Daniel 1:8; Rev.11: 8; Gen. 49:3-4; 2 Sam. 13:1-20, 32,33; Gen.49: 5-7; Dan. 2:24-28; 5:13-16; 6:1-3; Heb. 6:4-8; 10:26-31; Dan. 2:13-23; Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes, visit us @www.kpicpc.org. You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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