A touch of red

Show me an interior without a touch of red décor, designs, accessories or upholsteries, and I will see a lifeless space.
Colour red for interior is a design tool that not only gives life to your space, but also brightens your interior and heightens your senses. The stimulation that comes with the slightest touch of red in your interior can give you a feel of haven.
Dare to make a statement in your interior? Drops and touches of red here and there is the real deal; red is never boring.

What red represent in your interior design
When it comes to interior, colour red can simply be described as the element of power for your designs. Whether it’s a complementing touch of the red shades on your wall or a drop of decorative items, upholsteries, or accessories, colour red is an ideal accent colour that gives vibrancy to any interior space – be it the living room, bedroom, dinning, kitchen or office spaces.

However, the use of red should be moderate because of its strong capacity and influence on your mood, excessive red could get overwhelming and over-stimulating.

Why red is the life of your interior
The red colour is bestowed with a natural and evergreen attractive sensation; it’s almost like a force that adds aesthetic to everything else in your space. It never goes off trend; it is classic, and timeless.
Red can feel contemporary and traditional depending on the shade and context. A touch of red can warm up any space just as it can bestow a dramatic mood and atmosphere to an overly ordinary interior.

How to use red shades
Because of the varieties in the shades of red, it is important to go for the shade that blends and complements other colours in your space.
* Brighter reds would reflect light, as deep ones absorb it. Combining deep red with white, off-white, cream and light pink will make a warm vibe. Depending on the texture, deep reds may absorb light, while brighter reds allow light to bounce off walls.  
* Because red is a strong colour, it is best to pair with neutral and soft tones for a harmonic and fashionable ambience. If intimacy is your goal, you can use the bright red with rich purple or other calm or dark shade colours for cool complement.
* When combined with other colours, red offers even more versatility. An earthy red used with wood tones can warm a room. Red with soft gray and touches of magenta can make a room feel cozy, feminine and soft.
* Use red on the walls to make a room feel more intimate, or feature the colour on just one wall to visually rework the proportions of a long, narrow space.
* Different patterns and shades of red can work together to perk up a neutral dining room, or make a small dining feel like a destination.
* A red curtain or drapery will not only brighten your space, but would also create a serenity and glow that no other colour would bestow in your interior. A couple red chairs can also be inviting.

Effect of red touches in your interior
Living room – This is a great place to make a bold red statement. For the living room, red in all its shades have the capacity to give your space a cozy atmosphere.

Bedroom – Ever heard the saying that the best of females live in a red bedroom? For the more daring, brighter reds may be a bold move that will give your bedroom a real personality. However, because of the intensity of red, avoid using it excessively in your bedroom to avoid toxic emotions as this may cause restlessness and overstimulation.

Furniture – it is important to note that if you chose to use red furniture, do not paint your walls red. The power element of red is effective when it is mild. Using red furniture in a red painted wall can breed negative energy. The mixture of reds and neutrals are perfect. Having both your walls and your furniture in red will not only make your room hard to breathe in, the feel would be unpleasant.

Area rug – Red area rugs would definitely create a serene but sophisticated impression in your space especially your living room, as it brightens the space and gives it an exotic atmosphere.

Office space – Red is a great colour for the office as it promotes energy and excitement. It also promotes brainwave activity. If you want your employees to be enthusiastic at work consider painting accent walls in red but do not overdo it, a touch here and there is just perfect.

Gallery wall – Display your wide-ranging art collection by placing it on a red wall. The frames and the pictures will cover most of the wall, which will tone down the strong impression.
Accessories – a drop of any red accessory however small at any corner of your space will attract aesthetic attention.


