AAAU, Magnus Aircraft join forces to transform Nigeria’s aviation sector

The African Aviation and Aerospace University (AAAU), in partnership with Magnus Aircraft Manufacturing, is set to revolutionise the aviation industry in Africa with the establishment of a world-class aeronautics engineering faculty in its Abuja campus.

The initiative is part of the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development’s key performance indicators which aims to provide highly trained human resources and position AAAU at the forefront of aeronautical engineering in Africa.

To further enhance the development of the aviation industry, AAAU’s Registrar, Mustapha Sheikh Abdullahi, led a high-level delegation to Budapest, Hungary, to inspect the facilities of Magnus Aircraft Manufacturing ZRT.

Magnus is a renowned developer and manufacturer of ultra-light and light sport aircrafts and their collaboration with AAAU holds great promise for the advancement of aviation technology in Nigeria and the West African region.

During the visit, Abdullahi and the AAAU delegation, accompanied by Christopher Omoaghe, the special adviser to the minister on special projects and duties, alongside others, were highly impressed with the production chain and technical department of Magnus Aircraft Manufacturing.

The interaction also paved the way for the drafting of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that will define the long-term framework cooperation between AAAU and Magnus.

The draft MOU outlined key activities that both parties will undertake to facilitate the improvement and localization of Magnus Aircraft for the Nigerian market.

Magnus intends to establish its Nigerian subsidiary within the premises of AAAU in Abuja, where they will provide expertise, parts, and accessories for the assembly and partial manufacturing of Magnus Fusion aircraft.

Additionally, AAAU will provide the necessary workshop facilities, hangars, and trained personnel for the assembly and manufacturing process. The completed Magnus Fusion aircraft will also be maintained by AAAU’s expert staff.


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