AAHI donates anti-cholera kits to Jigawa govt  

PHOTO: Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger International (AAHI) has donated hundreds of anti-cholera kits to Jigawa State government for timely response to identified cases of emergency or outbreak of the disease.

The gesture is part of its efforts to partner the state government in the fight against cholera outbreak in the state.

Speaking during the handing over of the materials to the state government, project coordinator of the international donor organisation, Mrs. Patricia Obrah, said the donation was made under the ‘Emergency Response for Flood Affected Population in North West Nigeria’.

She stated that the project, funded by Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), was aimed at tackling any outbreak or emergency case of cholera in flood-affected communities.

The Coordinator, who was represented by the Project Officer, Muhammad Dahiru, noted that “Jigawa is one of the states experiencing perennial flood disaster” and stressed the need for collaborative efforts to tackle the diseases emanating from the disaster such as cholera, to minimise casualties.

AAHI reiterated its commitment to continuously collaborate with the state government in the area of saving human lives.

The state was reportedly ravaged by cholera last year, following a devastating flood disaster.

While receiving the materials on behalf of the state government, an official of the Ministry of Health, Sa’idu Yusuf, thanked the organisation for the donation, which he described as timely intervention.

He noted that the kits would certainly complement the efforts of the state government in tackling any possible outbreak or emergency case of the disease as well as promoting public, personal and environment hygiene in the state.
