Abia baby factory: Troops arrest 34-year-old chef, rescue 21 pregnant ladies

Rescued ladies
Soldiers of the 14 Brigade of the Nigerian Army, Ohafia, yesterday, explained how one Katherine Oyechi Ngwama, 34, was arrested at Nma Charity & Social Mothers Rehabilitation Centre, Umunkpeyi Nvosi in Isiala Ngwa South Local Council of Abia State.
Ngwama was a chef at the facility suspected to be a baby factory raided by troops on Sunday, where two babies, a boy and girl, as well as 22 ladies out of which 21 were pregnant or were rescued. 
Spokesperson for the 14 Brigade, Lieutenant Innocent Prince Omale, in a statement, said the raid followed an intelligence report that the owner of the facility, whose name was given as Mrs. Mma Lilian Achumba, was allegedly selling babies to criminal agents for ritual purposes and child trafficking.

He also stated that Achumba’s action was reportedly constituting nuisance in the area as sometimes human parts were allegedly seen around the building.
He stated that though the owner of the baby factory is currently at large,  efforts are ongoing to apprehend her.
The Brigade spokesperson listed  items found at the facility during the raid as: a Tiger generator, a stretcher, gas cylinder, a bag of rice, four cartoons of tin tomatoes, five litres of vegetable oil, two bags of garri and soup ingredients .
He said the pregnant women as well as the babies have been handed over to the Abia State Government for further action.
Meanwhile, Special Adviser Media/ Publicity to Governor Alex Otti, Ferdinand Ekeoma, has commended the soldiers for the operation.

He promised that the state would identify the operators of the centres, as well as provide necessary medicare and re-unite the rescued teenagers with their families.
The rescued girls, who are at various stages of pregnancy, said that they came into the centre with their pregnancies and not impregnated in the centre as alleged by some people.
One of them, Amaka Godwin, 23, claimed that she came into the centre about a month ago without her parent’s knowledge.
The lady, who showed signs of labour,  was admitted at the state’s hospital at Amachara, while others were taken to Madonna College of Health Demonstration Clinic/Hospital Olokoro for rehabilitation at the expense of the state government.
Speaking on the centre, which has ‘Approved by Abia State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development’, on its signpost, the village head of Umunkpeyi, Orih Jude, urged the state government to sanitise its operations in line with the law.


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