Abiodun urges stronger synergy between FG, Ogun on healthcare delivery

Abiodun receiving the Management Board of the Federal Medical Centre, FMC, Abeokuta in Oke-Mosan. Photo: TWITTER/DABIODUNMFR
Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun, yesterday, sought a stronger synergy between the federal and state governments in the provision of quality healthcare services to the people.

Abiodun made this call when the board of the Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, paid him a courtesy visit in his office at Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

He said since the objective of government at the centre and the state was effective healthcare delivery to all Nigerians, there was a need for health institutions at both levels of government to complement each other.

“There is a lack of synergy between the state and the FMC. Last year when we had the first case of COVID-19 in the state, nobody knew COVID-19 for what it was but thank God the health team was able to rise to the occasion.

“During that time, I felt something was missing. It began to appear as if there were some forms of competition, which I wondered about. I would expect that our roles should be complementary as against that which is competitive. I hope that following this meeting, we will begin to see the difference in the relationship that exists between the state and the FMC,” Abiodun stated.

He said his administration was putting in place a data gathering system in the entire value chain of the health sector, with a view of tracking, not just the patients, but also the prevalence of different kinds of diseases.

The governor stated further that his administration was open to partnership in the area of healthcare delivery.

“It is important for us to have as many medical facilities as possible. Our state is home to a lot of people and we must ensure that we cater to their health needs. So, wherever we can find partnership in healthcare, we will embrace it,” he added.

He, however, hinted that the FMC management that his administration had taken steps to return the Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH), Sagamu, to its lost glory, disclosing that primary health centres in the grassroots are receiving face-lift to complement secondary and tertiary health facilities in the state.

The FMC, the governor noted, was at the forefront of providing quality healthcare services to the people, adding that his administration would support the Emergency Ward of the health facility with beddings and other accessories to continue to discharge on its core mandate.

Earlier, Chairman of the Hospital Board, Dr. Abdulaziz Labo Mahuta, lauded the governor for his developmental strides, particularly in the health sector, saying that with what was on the ground, the state was gradually regaining its enviable position in healthcare delivery in the country.

Mahuta, accompanied by Vice Chairman of the Board, Benedict Godson and the Medical Director, Prof. Adewale Musa-Olomu and other members, urged assistance of the state in the provision of adequate water supply, electricity and tarring of the access road linking the hospital’s new site.

He also invited the governor to perform the inauguration of the Telemedicine Facility and other projects scheduled to take place soon in the hospital.


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