Academy to train 20,000 youths in data, AI skills

A provider of tech education and training, Kedrus Academy, has announced a strategic initiative to address Nigeria’s digital skills gap with a target to train about 20,000 professionals and young adults in data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) skills and literacy by the year 2030.

Statistics reveal that 85 per cent of Nigerian graduates lack digital skills and projections indicate that 45 per cent of jobs by 2030 will require digital proficiency, as well as Word Bank, statistics, state that over 50 per cent of Nigeria’s population, accounting for over 100 million people, are not digitally literate, Kedrus Academy said it is poised to make a significant impact.

The co-founder of Kedrus Academy, Stella Justin, said with the support from the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), accreditation from Skill Development Council, Canada and partnership with Finquest Finance, Kedrus Academy was poised to transform the landscape of data and AI education in Nigeria and empower thousands of individuals to succeed in the digital age.

To achieve its set goal of training 20,000 individuals in data and AI, she said the academy was implementing a multi-faceted approach that includes offering free on-demand data and AI literacy courses, conducting free social media live classes on data and AI and providing paid professional courses on data and AI.

The partnership, she said would help professionals, young Nigerians and low-income individuals across the country get zero-interest loans to offset their tuition and learn tech skills in data and AI.

“By adopting the “Learn now, pay later” model, Kedrus Academy and Finquest Finance aim to remove financial barriers in launching a sustainable career in tech while also helping us achieve our goal of training 20,000 professionals and young adults by 2030,” she said.
