Access Partners Foundation elevates empowerment with DigiGap 4.0

Due to unemployment rate in Nigeria, NerdzFactory Foundation, in collaboration with Access Bank, has empowered Nigerian youths with DigiGap 4.0, aimed at equipping them with essential digital skills.

 The four weeks program has equipped participants with in-demand ICT skills necessary to excel in today’s digital economy.

The Foundation emphasised that in a country where unemployment rates stand at 33.3 per cent and human capital potential remains largely untapped, initiatives like DigiGap are crucial in bridging the gap between job seekers and available opportunities.

It stressed that building on the success of previous iterations, DigiGap 4.0 reached an additional 500 young Nigerians, providing them with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital age.

Managing Director of NerdzFactory Foundation, Ade Olowojoba, mentioned that over the course of four weeks, participants engaged in workshops, webinars, and hands-on projects, focusing on specialized tracks such as Product Design and Digital Marketing.

He emphasised that through practical learning experiences, participants honed their skills and gained valuable insights into the digital landscape, noting that the program culminated in the creation of innovative apps by the participants, showcasing their newfound expertise and creativity.

“By empowering Nigerian youth with digital skills, DigiGap 4.0 has not only improved economic outcomes and employment readiness but has also contributed to the growth and development of the nation’s digital economy.

“DigiGap 4.0 represents a significant milestone in our mission to empower Nigerian youth with the skills needed to succeed in the digital era. By investing in their knowledge and capabilities, we are shaping individual futures and driving progress for our nation,” he said

With the conclusion of DigiGap, NerdzFactory Foundation and Access reaffirms their commitment to supporting Nigerian youths on their journey towards a digitally inclusive future as the organizations continue to foster economic empowerment and bridge the digital divide, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow through initiatives like DigiGap.


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