ACF berates Balarabe Musa over comments on Northern leaders

RISING from an emergency meeting, the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) yesterday, cautioned elder statesman and former Governor of Kaduna State, Alhaji Abdulkadir Balarabe Musa, to desist from making remarks disparaging to the image of northern leaders on national issues.

The elder statesman had in a recent statement said he regarded Afenifere, ACF, Ohaneze and surrogates like All Progressives Congress (APC) as secessionist groups in Nigeria, despite that they argue on issues bordering on federalism.

statement signed after the meeting, by the national publicity secretary, Alhaji Muhammad Ibrahim, ACF described Musa’s comments as “most embarrassing and provocative.”

According to Ibrahim: “It is not in the character of ACF to respond to such a reckless and unfortunate statement especially by a former governor and an elder statesman”, saying, “however, ACF found it imperative to state that as an umbrella body for all northerners irrespective of their religion, tribe, ethnicity and political leanings, it has never and will never canvass to secede from Nigeria.

“It is however very much the business of ACF to help and encourage constructively, our political leaders at all levels to pursue their political ambitions consistent with the long term benefit of our people, survival and development of our country.

ACF is therefore not a secessionist group as its primary objective is to foster, promote, defend and strengthen national unity, peaceful coexistence and development in the context of one indivisible Nigeria

“ACF therefore, appeals to elder statesmen to employ civility and maturity in their utterances”, the statement stressed.

The group also commended the Kaduna State Government for steps taken so far to douse the tension arising from the violent clash between soldiers and Shiites and prevent further escalation even as it
“calls for calm and understanding among the Muslim brothers and the security agencies to avoid further bloodshed.”

