ACPML deploys six special trucks to tackle marine pollution  


TO successfully tackle pollution and waste generated by vessels calling at the nation’s seaports, African Circle Pollution Management Limited (ACPML) has acquired additional six marine pollution (MARPOL) trucks.

The company has also procured four new vessels identified as MV Maizube 1, MV Maizube II, MV Bics and MV Etypou.

Speaking at a ceremony in Lagos where the trucks were unveiled, the company’s Regional Manager (West), Mrs. Nike Shobowale explained that the trucks will enhance ACPML operations as contained in the 25-year agreement it signed with the Federal Government on waste management in Nigerian ports

Inline with provisions of International Maritime Organization (IMO), MARPOL 1972, 1973 and 1978 conventions, ACPML explained that it uses specialized vessels to take liquid waste, including sludge and bilge from ships calling in the nation’s seaports.

Shobowale disclosed that more trucks ordered by the firm from Germany would be arriving the country very soon.

NPA Executive Director, Marine and Operations,  David Omonibeke, an engineer, who unveiled the six new trucks, expressed delight over the acquisition of the new vehicles.

He noted that the acquisition of the new specialized trucks was in line with the transformation agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Omonibeke said NPA remains committed to safety of the Nations waterways, adding that the present management will continue to promote the Nigerian economy through the maritime sector.

He stated that NPA is supporting ACPML to ensure that Nigeria under the present administration of Jonathan fulfills her obligations as a key member of IMO.

According to him, NPA will not relent in ensuring that ACPML fulfill the provisions of the agreement it signed with the Federal Government through the authority.

Under the agreement, ACPML is mandated by the Federal Government to provide waste reception facilities at the nation’s seaports in line with the guidelines of IMO particularly marine pollution (MARPOL) 72, 73, and 78.

ACPM also explained that it has installed two high burn incinerators to handle solid waste. The incinerators are equipped with scrubbers to minimise air pollution. Meanwhile, a drum-crushing machine with a special cleaning system is also in place to treat hazardous waste.

There are ten specially adapted garbage trucks on ground in Port Harcourt, Rivers State; Calabar, Cross River State; and Warri, Delta State.

The company said a 1,000 tons capacity tank farm at its waste management facility at Snake Island has been designed to safely hold hazardous waste while waiting processing

