Activist seeks improved prosecution to address growing abuse of house helps

An activist, Goodness Philips, yesterday, asked the Federal Government to step up prosecution to address growing abuse of house helps in Nigeria.

Philips was reacting to the abuse of an eleven-year-old house help, Happiness Nwafor from Awgu, in Enugu State, by her madam, Adachukwu Okafor, in Onitsha, Anambra State.

Okafor had allegedly used a hot knife and an electric iron to burn different parts of the girl’s body, including her vagina, an action that elicited widespread condemnation after images of the abuse went viral.

Happiness, who is now recuperating at a hospital, was said to have incurred the wrath of her principal after she allegedly fumbled with the private part of her eight-year-old daughter while bathing her.

Philips called on the government to effectively apply laws protecting the vulnerable and ensure adequate punishment for offenders.

He insisted there was a need for people to be free to choose the way they want to live their life, in conformity with existing laws.

He said: “This young girl, perhaps, could have avoided this experience if her parents did not push her into serving another family at this tender age.

“I think that the government should look into the laws and know when it is appropriate for someone to be engaged as a house help.”


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